Thank you for your exuberant comment on Birds of Prayer 1. I just read Extinction and as usual am floored by your writing. I love how you have at least two things going on outside of, say, a romantic interlude. Here, the ecosystem, earth and universe collapsing. Somehow, you manage to include all that and the story still stays upbeat. Such gifts!
Meg, you know I don't read much here anymore but when something catches my mind like your story "Them" I must comment. It wasn't out of kindness, but of admiration.
Hi Meg! Thanks for taking the time to read my post office piece and leave a comment. I know it sounds like a cliche, but "some of my best friends work for the postal service!" Actually one of them is a carrier and it has taken a toll on her body. My great grandfather was the last horse drawn carrier in Milwaukee in the early part of the 20th century. I know the story is written from a point of view that tends to make out the postal service as "the bad guy." However, I don't feel that way at all. In any case it does seem to strike a nerve with people. Thanks again!
Meg, I fear we are twisted in slightly different, yet kindred ways. So appreciate your comments on "The Temperature of Porridge." Your star and support mean a lot.
Thank you thank you for saying detailed things about Zurich.
Also. Why does the Barry Graham post here from Sept 01 2008 define masturbation? The world is full of mysteries, with answers scribbled on a Taco Bell napkin.
Meg, how lovely you are, thank you SO much for those gorgeous messages you left on my story! How the devil are you? It's been ages.... And as for publishing more on Fictionaut, I'm actually resolved this year to publish less, hold back a little, regain the mystery that is me! ;)
Meg, thank you for your awesome comment on "Pieta." Though not consciously intended, your withdrawal comment linking sex, war, men, women, is right within the context of the poem. Thank you for adding to whole ominous scenario.
Thanks for your wise comment on "Poem Containing 'So,' 'And,' 'Such.'" Your comment made me think of the days (you're probably not old enough to have experienced this) when it seemed to ludicrous and ponderous to insist on being call "Ms."
Thanks for your note and for asking for me to tell you when I have something up. I do have something up, but I don't think anybody can see it. I just wrote to Jurgen. xxb
Gone too long. I need to read some stories here. I just joined this group, though I thought I already belonged to a fictionaut group of yours. Oh well, it's just me being behind.
Heh! It me. Wow, a STUNNING review at newpages for Damn Sure Right. Damn!!!!!!! Glad to see you so well. Me? Just sorta thumpin' along. So pleased to see your comments on that piece I put on here. Thanks much.
Megginz--Thanks so much for the love on "Happy Hour." I have to go drink another glass of Montrachet now--Finding the end of your wall is a long walk! Thanks again.
Meg, thanks for taking time for 'Bukowski', and for your comments and fave. Your feedback's always valued, encouraging, very much appreciated. All best.
Thanks for taking time for House By The Sea, Meg. When in doubt I lean toward understatement, so your comment on avoiding sentimentality (deftly, even! :) is encouraging, and much appreciated.
Hiya Meg! Thanks for your "yes to this. yes." on "For Liu Xiabo". I want to spread this poem all over the globe so that this revolutionary for non violent change won't be forgotten.
Thanks for reading my first section of Where Alligators Sleep. And thanks for your unwavering encouragement of not only my own writing, but the work of so many others. You're one of a kind.
Meg! Thanks so much for your comments on "Burrito Porn" and "Lovely Blue Automobile." I always get a big bang out of your work, and I'm stoked that a few of my pieces were able to return the favor. :)
Hi Meg! Thanks for your suggestions on "Oaxaca Dreamland." I am going to try to flesh that story out some more and may indeed drop the fragments you mentioned in order to increase the tension in the story. Thanks again for your close reading and detailed feedback!
Damn, Meg, thank you. Wow, just when I thought I wasn't going to be more flattered, POW - Meg reads and comments and favs "1991." Meg icing on the Fictionaut membership cake. :)
i think marcus wants to do another penis story in the worst way because, well, why not? and becasue penis is such a hilarious word. like the ding an sich, it prompts mirth
Hi Meg - Thanks for your comment on "Safa's Hair." It took a long time for me to settle into the second person on the piece but when I finally made the decision, many of the other details fell into place.
Meg - thanks for the comment on 'why do I" - Since I was combining Brooklyn buffoonery with California chic,I set it about half-way between. Your prompts are getting addictive, I need to start going to bed before you post them.
Thank you so much, Meg, for your kind words on "Girl..." It's very generous of you. The piece is still looking for a home, so the encouragement was a nice boost! Looking forward to more work from you.
Meg, thank you for your generous comments on my interdenominational story “The Boy who killed Christ.” Much appreciated! Wishing you a serene holiday season, Frank.
Thank you, ma'am, for the fave and the comments on "Over the rainbow blues." I know it's probably not a good idea for people to encourage me in my anachrocentricities, but damn it ... it feels so good when they do.
hey, thanks for commenting on my hugeness. i see your profile pic is the new book...which i want to have, signed and all, your own hugeness. cheers from snowed under berlin!
meg, thanks so much for the readings. 'old scars' remains unpublished by over twenty journals. it's still out at bound off and hayden's ferry review but i'm not holding my breath.
Thank you for your awesome and generous comments about god's man and my work more generally. So sweet of you, Meg! And I'm so glad you like. So looking forward to my damn sure right, hell's yeah! -- Q
Hey, Meg, I'm not sure how the "wall" thing works I wanted to be sure and say hello! I said hi on my profile thing but I don't know if that shows up for you, so...just wanted to say hi and I look forward to reading your stories here!
Meg, thank you kindly for your great comments on Gin And A Cowboy! So appreciated. I've cut more since I originally posted it, been fun getting to the true bones of this story. As always, your feedback is most welcomed!
I so appreciate your fave of and comments on dark deer Meg. So liked "archetypal story made fresh." And the rest too. Means tons. Have a great weekend. -- Q
since my e-mail is a mess this is a good way to communicate. I updated things and as you know posted Polly. I have another good one to post but it has not been published yet. The one I sent last year.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to look again. Isn't it strange, the different faces a story can have for different people? I must be trying to see a face that isn't there. You, maybe, are seeing one that is.
Dearest Meg: Thanks so much for the warm, wonderful comment about "Kramer vs. Kramer." You're always able to articulate what my stories are "about" better than me.
Thanks so much for your rocking note, BLIP goddess! You're doing amazing amazing work at the site -- and I really appreciate your taking the time out to read.
Since you are working on Dog Park Moments it struck me you might enjoy "The Wolf in the Parlor" - Franklin. A fascinating "scientific" exploration of the dog/human relationship. I read dog books all the time and found this unlike any other.
Oh, just noticed your thanks for the "Drunk Elephant" fave... you're welcome. And I do regret my cruel assessment of that other piece on facebook. You're still one of my favorite flash writers and definitely my favorite editor. Take care.
Meg - Thank you so much for reading and commenting on "while we sleep." I would not have thought to make it a micro and I love getting ideas like that. I look forward to reading your work. -- Q
No! Though I miss it there! The perfect city. I'm on cape cod now so at least I get an ocean I can swim in ;) lived there in the early '90s, lower nob hill and how I miss the tenderloin as well!
Meg, my new friend, it was a pleasure to hear from you. I did wander over to the SF writer's group page here and saw that the reading had been scheduled - naturally, at a time and day when I will just not be able to make it work. I've got early and very energetic days saturday and sunday and damned if I'll let my first impression to such an esteemed cadre of writers be that of a catatonic dustbunny (by no mean coincidence, The Catatonic DustBunnies is the name of my nascent post-punk pre-pop band). My full apologies are on the group page. Meantime, per your 9/01 self-posted comment, I think in polite conversation it's called "interior decorating." But I think some pretty obtuse stuff sometimes.
Hi Meg! Thanks for reading and commenting on Calluses ... I'm pretty new to Fictionaut, but I love interacting with other writers, so your comment means a lot!
Hi, Meg. Thank you so much for the invitation. I'm glad to be here! I think someone offered to invite me a long time ago, but I didn't take him up on the offer. Better late than never!
hi meg---thanks for reading and commenting on "the re-enactments" and "antenna." i'm still getting my sea legs beneath me here. lovely to sort of meet you.
Meg, thanks so much for your extremely generous comment on “We Have Eskimo Bars!” What you had to say about my comedic piece really put the zing in my day, and warmed my igloo. Thanks also for your fave. Much appreciated!
Ah, Meg. You have given me the inspirational words so that I will now own my poetry! But seriously, I really, really appreciate you reading and your feedback. As always thank you!
Meg, thanks for the Wow on "Ring, Ring, Ring." I just read your "The Serious Writer and her Pussy." Many laughs out loud, so of course I'll be looking for Damn Sure Right in February. Oh to be able to write flash fiction.
hey meg, quick question. what is the process for getting a story eligible for the weekly 5 pick? i have some published stuff to submit on my wall, not my greatest stuff by any means. the newer material i have coming out in Narrative and Tampa Review and Shamballha Sun are by far better than what i have posted as of now. plus, people don't like reading anything on here that isn't under 500 words it seems in the Fictionnaut/net'isonian world, which my stories never fall into. guess i'm old fashioned.
hey, u live in San Fransico. You might know Tom Jenks. He runs Narrative out there. He's a nice guy.
I'm so late in doing this, but thank you for stopping by to read "Under Perfect Conditions" and "Helen O" - and for leaving such wonderful comments. :)
My wife keeps buying me these Ralph Lauren knit shirts in outrageous colors with that ridiculous, oversized polo logo. Now she's hidden all my black t-shirts, even the one with the really neat Rhodesian Light Infantry shield emblazoned on the pocket.
You. Thanks for your thumbs up review of "Cats." I have heard that there are several felines at your house. Plus a dog, several rats, and a lizard. Is this true?
Strange and funny can also be serious, I think. Humor makes things stick in the reader's mind, right? Whereas some so-called "serious" fiction may be promptly forgotten. Who knows? I've been writing some flash lately, esp after staying up till dawn when things look weird and funny. I'm no expert on flash, but for me inspiration takes over, I see the story/scene whole, and my own intentions become irrelevant. If I even have any.
Hi Meg- The JMWW interview was great. Believe I may have posted a fb comment on someone's link but just wanted to say thanks again for being so open about both the experience and the work. "the things he thought would help" has stayed with me, and will.
Very glad you enjoyed 'A Woman Walks Into A Bar'. Your comments and fav are exciting and encouraging- Especially coming from someone
whose work I admire as much as I do yours.
Thanks for being my buddy (#1) and for recently fav'ing Shades of Gray (#2). And, of course, with goes without saying, but your writing kicks some serious A-S-S. (#3).
Thanks again, Meg, for your great comments on "Hotel Chelsea Scene 2" ... What would you think about a novel/linked stories kind of thing, that's all like Hotel Chelsea, swinging back and forth in time to paint the narrator?
Hi, Meg! Thanks so much for the comment on "In the Pastel City." Really interesting idea to end it as you suggest. Always interested in radical paths. Thanks for reading.
P.S. Love all the exciting animation you're doing. You've inspired me!
Meg! thanks for your thumbs up on Elephant! And for the prompt in the first place! Elephants jumping or not jumping lumbered around in my head for a day or so, it was going to be all comedy and farce, and then this spilled out when I got down to it. So thank you for making something already so special to me (oh elephants!) find expression here.
Crypticulous = enigmatically superb. Your work apparently requires the development of a comprehensive new subset of superlatives. But fear not, ma'am, we have the technology.
Meg, I'm so glad you liked my "old codgers" story. Good to be in touch again! I have been neglecting Facebook, I'm afraid. I HAVE to pay a visit today. I'll put it at the top of my list. Well, no; lunch and a nap come first.
Thanks for commenting on Lover Come Back. I'm new here and yours was my first comment. I'm really glad you liked. But I'm so unsure of what to publish here that I deleted it before I noticed the e-mail informing me of your comment. I've added on to Lover Come Back and it gets sexually graphic. I'm not sure if it belongs here, or anywhere. Maybe I'll post it at the WordPress site untill I have a better idea of what to publish here. But I'm sorry I deleted the first part now.
Thanks, Meg, for reading Little Walter. And also bravo, bravo for the decision on the Horse Shrink stories. We are all better off here at the Naut for you having made that call. Look forward to reading more of them in the future. Take care.
Okay, this is one of my first experiments in writing on someone's wall in fictionaut. Are you supposed to respond when someone writes on your wall? If they thank you for something you said. If so, I've got terrible manners!
Meg, thanks for your comments on "A Little Peace." Maybe that's why I was so taken by your "every other line" exercise. What you take out is still there!
Hi Meg-On Facebook, I went to click on to follow your blog invite and I lost it after I clicked on it. Will you send it to me again? Thanks. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Meg, this is a great site, I'm having fun and reading some amazing fiction. I haven't joined any of the other sites. But this is entirely different and feels very "community" in the best sense. Thanks for your good words and support of my work!
Hi Meg, I can't tell you how nice that is to read, coming from you. Huge thanks for helping me figure out how to push myself and my writing and get into FRiGG.
Hi Meg and thanks for the nice note. I was already a fan of your writing reading some of your publications here and there and enjoyed reading you here today too. Have a nice weekend!
Thanks, Meg. I've actually been here a little while, but I haven't been participating. I read occasionally (there's great stuff around), but as it seems largely to be a place for flash fiction and the short side of short stories, I've decided against posting my own work, which has been running longer lately.
Thanks for the welcome message! Adore 'I Capture The Castle' -- wish Dodie Smith's other novels were in print as well. Haven't had much luck in secondhand bookstores. :)
Meg, Thanks for saying hello. I know of Molly -- have heard JH speak of her (all good!). I love Susan Minot, too. If I could choose any writer to write like it would be her. Unfortunately, I can't choose.
Hi Meg, good to meet you too. Damn Sure Right is an inspiring piece of work, an easy favourite for me. And no, I'm not on zoetrope. I've had a look round before but it seemed a bit complicated...
Meg, thank you so much for your comments on "The Change." I know you have a lot going on right now, and I really appreciate you taking the time to read my story and comment.
if it takes letting you sit on my lap to get you to the next awp, so be it. i'll drag your butt to sfo and make you get on the plane so everyone else can meet the fabulous meg p.!
Thanks for the comments and fav for my story, Meg! Still trying to understand the best way to respond - my wall, your wall, message? It sure reads better to respond on your own wall, but will the poster see it?
Long wall of quite awesome loving. Very much deserved x
Thanks, Meg for your nice comment on "A Forest" and for all your support. It means a great deal to me.
Thanks for the comment on Forgiveness. You look completely different in every photo I see you in. Are you real?
Hi Meg,
Thanks for understanding.
Jeez louise! You have a long wall. Thank you for getting me here to Fictionaut. You are a peach!
Meg, thanks so much for your comment!! really means a lot, congrats on litquake!!
Great job at the Litquake flash fiction reading today! Fantastic stories and panel all round. The female/male imbalance was sort of amusing.
I really like your updated photo. You do hats well.
Thank you for your exuberant comment on Birds of Prayer 1. I just read Extinction and as usual am floored by your writing. I love how you have at least two things going on outside of, say, a romantic interlude. Here, the ecosystem, earth and universe collapsing. Somehow, you manage to include all that and the story still stays upbeat. Such gifts!
I loved your enthusiasm for my story Pig Girl. The Serious Writer and Her Pussy is hilarious and extremely well done.
Enjoyed your comment on "Loose End," Meg. Thanks!
Thanks, Meg! ("Unmailed Letter to B'go")
Thanks Meg. Not sure too many others like me anymore (damn this mouth!)
Speaking of Damn...I finally ordered your book and can't wait to read it!
Meg, you know I don't read much here anymore but when something catches my mind like your story "Them" I must comment. It wasn't out of kindness, but of admiration.
Thanks, Meg, for letting me know you liked 'Benny Goodman...'
So thrilled you enjoyed my piece! Thanks, Meg. xx
Thank you for reading and sharing 'Letter, Unsent' - much appreciation.
Thanks, Meg for commenting and for the fav. Made my day.
Meg - thanks for reading and for the kind words on The Park!
Thanks for faving "Picking the Bark off Experience," Meg.
Meg, thanks for the flattering comments on Distance of Advice and Proper Grammar, you are making Portland a little sunnier for me today.
Hi Meg. Thanks for commenting on Ma & Pa and thanks for the star! Much appreciated.
Thanks for your note on "Scene"! I wish I could be as prolific as you... don't know how you manage that! Kudos!
thank you for your comments on my story and for pointing more people to it.
Thanks for the comment and fave, Meg! :)
Hi Meg! Thanks for taking the time to read my post office piece and leave a comment. I know it sounds like a cliche, but "some of my best friends work for the postal service!" Actually one of them is a carrier and it has taken a toll on her body. My great grandfather was the last horse drawn carrier in Milwaukee in the early part of the 20th century. I know the story is written from a point of view that tends to make out the postal service as "the bad guy." However, I don't feel that way at all. In any case it does seem to strike a nerve with people. Thanks again!
Thanks Meg for your note! I'm so excited to be chosen by Frances.
I hope you are doing well.
Foundling Review continues to receive wonderful work... we feel honored to have published some great folks, including you.
thank you, meg! yours too..
Thanks Meg for commenting and faving my poem "Weak Knees." It's always good to see your lovely words of encouragement.
Great comment on "The Hotel Where Esenin Hanged Himself." Thanks, Meg!
Thanks, Meg, for letting me know you liked 'Saved, Nevertheless.'
Hi Meg, thanks for your very kind words about 'Grace'. Your feedback's always encouraging and appreciated! All best.
Thank you for faving "Eyes Off the Road," Meg!
Glad to have grabbed you, thanks for reading!
Meg, I fear we are twisted in slightly different, yet kindred ways. So appreciate your comments on "The Temperature of Porridge." Your star and support mean a lot.
Thanks, Meg, for reading & commenting on "Eldorado." It's been a while since I've posted anything and I've missed this neck of the woods :).
Thanks for praising my Zipper thing, Meg. High praise, coming from you!
Thanks for commenting on "Eleutheria," Meg!
Thanks for reading my poem, Meg.
Thank you thank you for saying detailed things about Zurich.
Also. Why does the Barry Graham post here from Sept 01 2008 define masturbation? The world is full of mysteries, with answers scribbled on a Taco Bell napkin.
Hey, Meg! Thanks for the ReadFav on "Lawn Clippings."
Thanks for the invite, Meg!
You have a big board full of grateful peoples, but I never have enough chances to thank you, so ... yeah, thank you :o)
Meg, thanks for reading "Gardens". Appreciate your comment!
Thanks for commenting on "The Sober Boat," Meg. Glad you liked it!
I don't feel very mysterious...!
Meg, how lovely you are, thank you SO much for those gorgeous messages you left on my story! How the devil are you? It's been ages.... And as for publishing more on Fictionaut, I'm actually resolved this year to publish less, hold back a little, regain the mystery that is me! ;)
Yes, we should & we'll sacrifice our old terrible work with the other animals (or people...)!
sounds great! look forward to it. Oh & I thought you were initiating me into an inclusive fictionaut satanic cult or something...!
Sounds great, Meg. For the Five I mean. & thank you for asking! Not sure what you mean by the other question, having you with us– joining something?
Thank you for your kind comment on my story, Meg. I'd only just joined and posted it, and it was a huge relief to get a positive comment so quickly!
Hi Megg, Thanks for taking the time to read "The Day The Music Died". I'm pleased you enjoyed it.
Meg, thank you for your comments on "Soliloquy on Ma"
Thanks Meg!
Thanks, Meg, for the fave and comment on Texas Tornado. It was fun to write that piece.
Thanks, Meg! Appreciate the comment on and fave of "Fish Boil." Always love hearing from you.
Meg, thank you for your awesome comment on "Pieta." Though not consciously intended, your withdrawal comment linking sex, war, men, women, is right within the context of the poem. Thank you for adding to whole ominous scenario.
Happy to find your comments on my short stuff, Meg. Thanks so much for that excellent feedback. Great to hear what is working.
Thanks, Meg! Glad you liked the "Love" poem.
Thanks for your wise comment on "Poem Containing 'So,' 'And,' 'Such.'" Your comment made me think of the days (you're probably not old enough to have experienced this) when it seemed to ludicrous and ponderous to insist on being call "Ms."
Hey meg,
Thanks for your note and for asking for me to tell you when I have something up. I do have something up, but I don't think anybody can see it. I just wrote to Jurgen. xxb
Hey Meg,
Gone too long. I need to read some stories here. I just joined this group, though I thought I already belonged to a fictionaut group of yours. Oh well, it's just me being behind.
Meg, your appreciation thrills me. I am honored.
Hey, Meg! Thank you for commenting on "The Shoes, the Girl and the Waves that Washed Them Away." Hope you're doing well.
So nice of you to comment so favorable on "Satan and the Moon." Thanks, Meg.
Heh! It me. Wow, a STUNNING review at newpages for Damn Sure Right. Damn!!!!!!! Glad to see you so well. Me? Just sorta thumpin' along. So pleased to see your comments on that piece I put on here. Thanks much.
What a cool comment on the Dali poem! Thanks, Meg! (+ fave!)
Thanks for your kind words about Bodensee, Meg. And for all you do for the craft.
I made it! Thanks, Meg
Thanks, Meg, for the yes vote on "The Sum Above."
Meg, thanks for reading and commenting on "Ascend"!
Meg, thank you, that's probably my favorite as well. . .
Hi, Meg. Thanks for reading 'A Life of My Own-3.' I greatly appreciate your helpful comment.
Thanks so much for your kind words about "Spray-Tans in the 70s." I'm a fan of yours & delighted that you took time to check it out!
Hi Meg: Thank you for commenting on "It is what it is."
Hey, Meg!
Thank you for the thumbs up on "Husk of Hare"! Much appreciated. Hope you're doing well. :)
Thanks, Meg, for reading and commenting on the Chattanooga poem. It's hard to resist the shiny!
Meg, my wild and wily friend, I like that you liked "The Human Condition." Thanks much.
Nice surprise to catch your comment today on my story. Thanks, Meg!
Three of my favorite adjectives! Thanks for the fave of "Four Noble Lies," Meg.
Hi Meg, thanks for your comment on 'Ten Reasons'. Glad you enjoyed. All best.
Megginz--Thanks so much for the love on "Happy Hour." I have to go drink another glass of Montrachet now--Finding the end of your wall is a long walk! Thanks again.
Quite nice of you to say so! Thanks for faving "Black Ice," Meg.
Thank you for reading and fave-ing on 'Riding the tube to work' - glad you enjoyed it! All the best, Gill
Wow, Meg, so very flattered by your comments on "Traitor". Appreciate very much.
Hi, Meg. So glad you enjoyed my story, "Well Water" and thanks for the comment!
Meg! Thanks for reading and commenting on, "Likely Story."
Meg, thanks for reading "Drive"!
Thanks for reading my work today Meg - muchly appreciated for sure,
Hi Meg. You're very kind. I'm so glad you like "Fever," and I'm flattered beyond belief that you want to tweet it. You made my day!
Thanks for the lovely comment on 'A bottle of raspberries', Meg! Very kind of you!
All the best,
thanks for reading tightrope, and liking it haha
Hi Meg, so happy you liked Migration! Thanks so much!
Thanks for your comment on my woman-cutting-down-her-bastard-husband poem! I really appreciate you taking the time to read it, Meg.
Hi Meg,
Thanks for your kind words about "Scandal, In Eight Parking Arrangements" and for making it a fave!
Thanks for the Freelance comment. It makes me happy when you're happy. LS
Meg, thanks for taking time for 'Bukowski', and for your comments and fave. Your feedback's always valued, encouraging, very much appreciated. All best.
Meg, Thank you so much for your comment on "Things Unseen." I really appreciate it.
Meg, thanks so much for for taking the time to read and comment on my work. It means a lot to me.
Thanks for taking time for House By The Sea, Meg. When in doubt I lean toward understatement, so your comment on avoiding sentimentality (deftly, even! :) is encouraging, and much appreciated.
"Odd/wonderful"--couldn't ask for better than that! Thanks, Meg, for reading and commenting on "Hitting the Wall."
Thanks for the comment (and the words) Meg!
Always appreciate the read. gracias!
Meg, thanks muchly for complimenting my latest and for making it a favorite.
Thanks for your reaction to "Out"! It's more than I could have hoped for.
Hiya Meg! Thanks for your "yes to this. yes." on "For Liu Xiabo". I want to spread this poem all over the globe so that this revolutionary for non violent change won't be forgotten.
Hey, Meg! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on "The Pain Taster." Very much appreciated. Hope you're doing well.
Meg, thanks so much for your comment on Movement! I love your stories, and I'm thrilled that you liked mine.
Thanks for the invitation Meg! I enjoy your stories. Still learning to navigate but I did manage to put a story up.
Thanks for reading my first section of Where Alligators Sleep. And thanks for your unwavering encouragement of not only my own writing, but the work of so many others. You're one of a kind.
Megz baby: my west coast actress alter-ego no mfa writer sister: thanks for what you said about Tool!
I really liked that story about noses that just disappeared (as I was commenting on it)!
Thank you for the nice words about "Aforementioned," Meg. I love your stuff.
Glad you liked "Getting Godless," Meg. Thank you for commenting. So great to have you as a reader!
Thank you, Meg, for the commment regarding "On the train to Otsu Station" and for your support, always.
Thanks for the nice comments on "The Mariner's Daughter", Meg.
Hey There Meg, thank you for the comment, I know this ceiling piece is a bit weird. Thank you for your gander at my works! PEace, Amy
Hi, Meg - good to talk to you again. Thank you so much for your kind words on my new post.
Meg! Thanks so much for your comments on "Burrito Porn" and "Lovely Blue Automobile." I always get a big bang out of your work, and I'm stoked that a few of my pieces were able to return the favor. :)
Meg, thanks for the thumbs up on my story, I appreciate it!
meg, thanks for your 'oh my' and 'yes' on phantom sister. anytime you swing by to read my words, i feel honored and giddy! peace...
Hi, Meg! Thanks for reading "Clockwork" and leaving such a kind (you) and much-appreciated (by me) comment.
Thank you for that comment on 'White' !
Hi, Meg. Thanks for reading 'Raw Goods.' Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Hi Meg, thanks for reading and commenting on House Rabbit. Was a fun little piece to write, glad you enjoyed!
thanks much for readin' and likin' my latest!
Hi Meg! Thanks for your suggestions on "Oaxaca Dreamland." I am going to try to flesh that story out some more and may indeed drop the fragments you mentioned in order to increase the tension in the story. Thanks again for your close reading and detailed feedback!
Meg, your comment on "The complete, unabridged contents of an abandoned diary found in Memphis" was happily received. Thanks!
Thanks, Meg. Glad you liked "8 New Ways of Looking at Waffles."
Meg, thank you for the fav and thoughtful comment on the ribbons micro, I truly apreciate your eyes on my writing, thank you again!
PEace, Amy
Megzy, thanks for the love on "Staying," and I'm loving you right back.
Meg, thanks bunches for the xoxo fave on Unintended Consequences. And I am digging the new pic. Just ordered dsr -- yippee! Peace...
Meg! Thanks for the comments on Bleached. I say this all the time but you inspire me and any feedback from you is gold. XO.
thanks for reading 'to the trees'! much appreciated.
Meg, thanks for the comment on "Earth's the Right Place for Love". I am so much enjoying your stories in Damn Sure Right.
hi Meg, thanks for commentin' on Off The Map...yer praise rings my bells
thanks very much for the comment on 'the arms of the forest.' 'delightful' is a wonderful compliment on it.
Thanks so much Meg! I actually did one of your promos from UFR. It was a lot of fun to do...!
Glad you liked "Semi Tiresias." Thanks for commenting, Meg.
Meg—thanks so much for your kind words & fave for “The Wreck of Me.” They mean a lot and I’m glad you liked it.
Thanks very much, Meg, for the kind words for "Intervals," so pleased that it struck you favorably.
Thanks for liking "Addictions," Meg. Always love hearing from you!
Thank you so much, Meg, for your nice words on "The Last Swim" - I'm glad you liked it!
Oh, thanks! Also, you made me wake up thinking of cowboys.
Meg: You are just too cool for words. I am a big, big fan. Thank you for reading flower boat and for your excellent comment.
Thanks, Meg! Glad you liked "The Truth Will Out," crazy piece as it is.
Thanks for the fave, Meg! Much appreciated!
Meg, May is fine for the interview. It'll be fun! Whenever.
Thanks for commenting on "Disappearing Ink," Meg!
Thank you so much for your generous remark and fave of alys, Meg. The presence of your comment on this little piece warms my heart.
Thanks for reading the Reginald letter :D
Thank you Meg for your really nice comments and the fave on "Where You Lay Your Dreams"!
Hi Meg,
A big, big thank you for your nice words on "Christina Heppel" :)!!
Meg - as always - thank you for reading another one of my stories. So glad you liked "Hog Heaven". XO.
Many thanks for the kind words on "Waiting." Appreciate them!
Meg, thanks for the kind words for "Tortillas," very heartening indeed.
Thank you for your very generous remarks on what I wanted in 1968. They meant a lot! Hope you are well.
Hi Meg, thanks for the invite, joined, sent, happy :)
Hi Meg, glad you liked Snowdick :) Thanks very much!
Just wanted to say how much I love THAT NEW PICTURE!
Hi Meg! I am thrilled that you like Intricacies. Thanks so much for commenting and favoriting.
Meg - thanks for the lovely comments on Health Code! I am so honored to have you as a reader. XO
Thanks lots for the lovely comment on 'Crackle!'
Damn, Meg, thank you. Wow, just when I thought I wasn't going to be more flattered, POW - Meg reads and comments and favs "1991." Meg icing on the Fictionaut membership cake. :)
Hi, Meg. Thanks for reading '1965, what I wanted-2.' Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Thanks Meg for the comment on 2K. When your comments appear I know I'm on the right track.
Thank you for the kind words, Meg. And I did join, I did.
Oh, wow -- thank you Meg. For the fave & and the nice comment. Your story disappeared just as I posted my comment, so I'm glad you got it.
Thanks, Meg, for reading my story about pirates. I still laugh at my own joke when I read that line about Captain Ron.
Thanks, kind Meg, for what you wrote about "Sermon of Lilac."
Ok, Meg, you seriously slay me with your comments. I so appreciate you giving "Liplorn" a read. XO.
Meg, thanks very much for reading "Busride"! ...and your super kind comments.
Most welcome, Meg :)
Hi Meg, thanks for the invite but I don't have any stories here with 25+ faves! Must've been Peg Mokrass that sent it! ;)
Thank you for your very nice comments on ash, Meg. They mean a lot to me. Have a great Sunday/Valentine's!
i think marcus wants to do another penis story in the worst way because, well, why not? and becasue penis is such a hilarious word. like the ding an sich, it prompts mirth
Hi Meg - Thanks for your comment on "Safa's Hair." It took a long time for me to settle into the second person on the piece but when I finally made the decision, many of the other details fell into place.
Thanks for reading and commenting on OVER EASY. You are adorable and enchanting -- you've rekindled my school boy crush.
Great comment on "Wahrheit und Dichtung." Thanks, Meg!
Meg, thanks very much for reading "Nelson Street" and the kind comment!
Meg, thank you, most generous soul. So happy when you read and like. Appreciate your fave on "The Taming" very much.
Hi Meg, thanks for faving Last Bell, and for the very kind words. Much appreciated!
Hi, Meg. Thanks for reading ' Z Boson with a Hardron.' I appreciate your wonderful comment.
Thanks so much for the fave and the lovely comment on "Foreplay." You always make my day whenever you stop by to read.
Hi Meg - Thanks for your feedback on "The Forest" - it IS definitely helpful!!
Thanks Meg!
Thanks so much for the comment on 'Source!'
Meg, thanks for liking my story!
Thank you so much for the comment and the fave!!
Thanks so much for the kind words on A Speck of Light, Meg. Most appreciated!
Hi Meg, So nice of you to read Whipping Post. Thank you!
Thanks for the very kind words on Unheard, Meg. I appreciate the read and your thoughts.
Meg - thanks for the comment on 'why do I" - Since I was combining Brooklyn buffoonery with California chic,I set it about half-way between. Your prompts are getting addictive, I need to start going to bed before you post them.
Yes indeed, Meg, you rock! Many thanks for the read and your comments on “Oh, Fish Eggs!” Much appreciated.
always appreciate the read, meg
Hi, Meg. Thanks a ton for your comments on my story "Summer Hits". Truly appreciated. And I look forward to reading your work on here.
Hi, Mag. Thanks for reading 'Piece of Mind.' I appreciate your comment.
Meg, you are a sweetie, thanks for what you wrote on "east to west"and am so looking fwd to your new book! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Thanks for the fav and generous comments on Hindsight. You rock!
Hi Meg,
Always appreciate you reading my work, thanks again!
Thank you so much for the fave and the generous comment on "Forensics 101."
Wow, scaring Meg Pokrass...good or bad? ;) Thanks so much for the kind comment on I Like It. It's an honor having you as a fan.
Hi, Meg. Thanks for reading 'I'll be Home for Christmas-2.' I'm glad you enjoyed the fun. I appreciate your helpful comment.
Thank you so much, Meg, for your kind words on "Girl..." It's very generous of you. The piece is still looking for a home, so the encouragement was a nice boost! Looking forward to more work from you.
Thanks for your encouragement on A Life, Meg. Lifts up my day. LS
Thanks for commenting on "Great Moments in Blindness," Meg. Always appreciate your reads.
Speaking of reads, what happened to all of your stories on Fictionaut?
Thank you for the lovely comment on 'Tasted Like Apples,' Meg. It was fun trying to manage to get all the prompt-words in.
Sweetheart, you. Thanks. Here, hear: cheers to this New Year! yeah? yeah? Yeah!
Meg, thank you for your generous comments on my interdenominational story “The Boy who killed Christ.” Much appreciated! Wishing you a serene holiday season, Frank.
Meg, any time you comment is the perfect time. Thanks for reading and liking "The Proud Accounting."
Thank you, ma'am, for the fave and the comments on "Over the rainbow blues." I know it's probably not a good idea for people to encourage me in my anachrocentricities, but damn it ... it feels so good when they do.
Meg, I'm late as usual, but thank you so much for your comment on It Stops, I always love to hear from you. Hope you have very happy holidays xx
Makey my day, you liking my micro X. Thank you, Meg.
Thank you for the comment on Fav on "Bouncy with Anticipation." Much appreciated.
Thanks for the fav on Transference!!
Howdy, Meg! Thanks for reading and commenting on "le Misérable." I greatly appreciate that.
Thanks for the very kind words and the fave on A Question of Choice, Meg! I really appreciate it.
Meg, thanks for reading about my robe. I also have a carload of water bottles if you are thirsty.
Meg, sorry for the belated thanks, but thank you for loving Ping Pong!
I am rewarded for a simple opinion with a bright blue dragonfly. Lovely world, this is.
Thank you, Meg. You are so generous, truly. I am amazed that you have so much to give as a reader, prolific écritrix that you yourself are!
Good to be here, Meg. Can't wait to read your book.
I am very PRO-you, my dear friend! Thank you.
Meg - thank you for reading my poem "Help Me Own You". Your support means a lot and I SO appreciate any feedback from you.
Meg thanks so much for "body" very much appreciated!
hey, thanks for commenting on my hugeness. i see your profile pic is the new book...which i want to have, signed and all, your own hugeness. cheers from snowed under berlin!
meg, thanks so much for the readings. 'old scars' remains unpublished by over twenty journals. it's still out at bound off and hayden's ferry review but i'm not holding my breath.
Meg, thank you for good words on "We of the Paper-doll Brigade." 2 kind, U, rock star that you are, rocketing! I fave faves by you.
Thank you for your awesome and generous comments about god's man and my work more generally. So sweet of you, Meg! And I'm so glad you like. So looking forward to my damn sure right, hell's yeah! -- Q
Hi Meg! Thank you for reading and your hugely generous comments! Greatly appreciated!
Meg, I appreciate your fave & comments on the Rockwell piece. It's always a challenge to entertain Meg Pokrass! (meaning because you're so witty...)
Hey, Meg, I'm not sure how the "wall" thing works I wanted to be sure and say hello! I said hi on my profile thing but I don't know if that shows up for you, so...just wanted to say hi and I look forward to reading your stories here!
Thank you so much for the invite, Meg!
Meg, thank you for your comments on Raging Life!
Meg, thank you kindly for your great comments on Gin And A Cowboy! So appreciated. I've cut more since I originally posted it, been fun getting to the true bones of this story. As always, your feedback is most welcomed!
Thank you, Meg. Thanks for commenting on "Dad and the Red Light." I always treasure your comments.
Appreciate the lovely comments for "Repair Man" Meg!
I so appreciate your fave of and comments on dark deer Meg. So liked "archetypal story made fresh." And the rest too. Means tons. Have a great weekend. -- Q
Meg thanks a million for your wonderful words on my poem White. I'm waiting for you to come east and do my headshot--
since my e-mail is a mess this is a good way to communicate. I updated things and as you know posted Polly. I have another good one to post but it has not been published yet. The one I sent last year.
Meg - thanks for commenting on "Lay on Me". Always love hearing your feedback!
Thanks for reading "There's Love, and there's Marriage," Meg!
Hey, thanks for taking the time to look again. Isn't it strange, the different faces a story can have for different people? I must be trying to see a face that isn't there. You, maybe, are seeing one that is.
Thanks for your note about Changeling!
Thanks for your compliment about my flash piece, "Nemesis." That one bugs me and I'm not sure why. Any suggestions?
Meg, thanks so much for your comments on 'String Money.' Greatly appreciated and especially meaningful coming from you.
All best.
Meg- love your piece at Blue 5th. The last line rocks.
Thanks so much for your comments - you made my day. Glad you enjoyed Chipping Granite.
Thanks Meg, you just cheered me up! Maybe now I'll actually go and work on my novel(s)–the thousands that are lying about in drawers.
Meg-- & Hugs back to you: Damn sure right!
Thank you for your generous remarks about after amelia, Meg. I very much appreciate them. -- Q
Thanks so much for the "Fav" and commentary on "Amahle and I", Meg.
Thank you so much, Meg!
Thanks for your kind words about "Escape." It feels like a miracle to have discovered this site: I've never found such generous readers.
By the way, it turns out we were in Istanbul together, in the Spring. Issue 17?
Thanks for the great comment and fave on Rats, Meg. I'm so glad you liked the story!
xoxo, Fly.
Hi Meg,
Thanks so much for reading & commenting on "She hadn't wanted one" - I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Dearest Meg: Thanks so much for the warm, wonderful comment about "Kramer vs. Kramer." You're always able to articulate what my stories are "about" better than me.
Meg, thanks for your comments on No Adjectives. Much appreciated.
Nice boots.
Meg, thank you for the fave and your insanely incredible comment on "Sand."
Hey there, Ms Meg, thank you kindly for your succinctly terrific comments on Unpacking Sentences and for the star!
Meg, thanks for commenting on "Getting Better". I'm still trying to decide whether to keep or cut....
Hi, Meg. Thanks for reading 'Fifty Five Words or Less.' I appreciate your iterating comment.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting on "A Little Bit of Everything." Meant the world to me (or at least several good-sized continents).
Thanks so much for your rocking note, BLIP goddess! You're doing amazing amazing work at the site -- and I really appreciate your taking the time out to read.
You'd think I could spell the title of my own poem right!
Meg, thanks for reading, commenting on, and faving "Florisd Psychosis." Always love your comments and humbled by your praise.
Hi Meg,
Oh what a fun writer prompt you shared on Facebook. I wound up writing a very weird flash using 98% of the words.
Yeah, Lovelace is good - hope my comment didn't come across as snarking him because I'm pretty sure he can kick my ass. xoxo, Shorty.
Since you are working on Dog Park Moments it struck me you might enjoy "The Wolf in the Parlor" - Franklin. A fascinating "scientific" exploration of the dog/human relationship. I read dog books all the time and found this unlike any other.
Oh, just noticed your thanks for the "Drunk Elephant" fave... you're welcome. And I do regret my cruel assessment of that other piece on facebook. You're still one of my favorite flash writers and definitely my favorite editor. Take care.
Thanks, Meg, it's great to have your approval of my story.
Hi Meg,
Good to be in Fictionaut, great to find you here.
Thanks for your comment on Down to Earth! Guess what? Naughty Naughty arrived today. Wonderful ...
Hi Meg! Thanks so much for the comment and fave on 4P28. It meant a lot. I'm so glad you liked the story.
Meg - Thank you so much for reading and commenting on "while we sleep." I would not have thought to make it a micro and I love getting ideas like that. I look forward to reading your work. -- Q
Hi, Meg. Glad you liked the Orange Julius poem. Thanks for commenting. Fun one to write.
Meg, thank you for commenting and reading in "the loudest loud". Your feedback gives me chills.
Meg, thank you for your kind comment on my story!
Meg, thank you for your comment on "Map to the Heart." Very nice to hear positive feedback from you --- I'm a big fan of your writing!
No! Though I miss it there! The perfect city. I'm on cape cod now so at least I get an ocean I can swim in ;) lived there in the early '90s, lower nob hill and how I miss the tenderloin as well!
Meg, very flattered and humbled by your last comment. thank you!
Thank you Meg for the lovely comments on Ascension. Much appreciated!
Thank you for reading Peace of Mind. I'm very pleased that you thought it was "so damn good." Now, to find someone to publish it.
Meg, my new friend, it was a pleasure to hear from you. I did wander over to the SF writer's group page here and saw that the reading had been scheduled - naturally, at a time and day when I will just not be able to make it work. I've got early and very energetic days saturday and sunday and damned if I'll let my first impression to such an esteemed cadre of writers be that of a catatonic dustbunny (by no mean coincidence, The Catatonic DustBunnies is the name of my nascent post-punk pre-pop band). My full apologies are on the group page. Meantime, per your 9/01 self-posted comment, I think in polite conversation it's called "interior decorating." But I think some pretty obtuse stuff sometimes.
Hi Meg! Thanks for reading and commenting on Calluses ... I'm pretty new to Fictionaut, but I love interacting with other writers, so your comment means a lot!
Hi, Meg. Thank you so much for the invitation. I'm glad to be here! I think someone offered to invite me a long time ago, but I didn't take him up on the offer. Better late than never!
Hi Meg - Thanks so much for faving "Origin" - I'm thrilled you liked it!
Meg, thank you for your fabulous comments and the fave on Sisters At The Lake. Your words are greatly, greatly appreciated!
Hi, Meg - good to see you here. Thanks for the kind words on Turtle Summer and for faving the story.
Hi, Meg. Thanks for reading 'Unfit-V.' I very much appreciate your encouraging comment.
Thanks for the read and the comments on "The man who killed Molly Bloom - Act II." I took your suggestion about the last line. You were right.
hi meg---thanks for reading and commenting on "the re-enactments" and "antenna." i'm still getting my sea legs beneath me here. lovely to sort of meet you.
Many thanks for your comments on "Three Houses Down." Much appreciated!
Thank you for reading Dark Water. So happy you liked it.
Thanks for the comment on Responsible, Meg! I appreciate the read.
hi meg! thanks for the invite. and thanks again for letting our class chat with you. it was so helpful (i love your stories).
Thanks, Meg, for reading and commenting on "Black Squirrel Poem." So glad you liked it.
Thanks so much for the comment on 'Meditations,' Meg.
Love when you stop by, Meg. Thanks for the lovely comment on "Bone Density."
My God you're quick, Meg. Thanks!
Thanks for your lovely comments on 'Swimming Pool', Meg.
Meg, thanks so much for your extremely generous comment on “We Have Eskimo Bars!” What you had to say about my comedic piece really put the zing in my day, and warmed my igloo. Thanks also for your fave. Much appreciated!
Ah, Meg. You have given me the inspirational words so that I will now own my poetry! But seriously, I really, really appreciate you reading and your feedback. As always thank you!
My pleasure, Meg. 'Twas a great read.
Meg, thanks for the Wow on "Ring, Ring, Ring." I just read your "The Serious Writer and her Pussy." Many laughs out loud, so of course I'll be looking for Damn Sure Right in February. Oh to be able to write flash fiction.
hey meg, quick question. what is the process for getting a story eligible for the weekly 5 pick? i have some published stuff to submit on my wall, not my greatest stuff by any means. the newer material i have coming out in Narrative and Tampa Review and Shamballha Sun are by far better than what i have posted as of now. plus, people don't like reading anything on here that isn't under 500 words it seems in the Fictionnaut/net'isonian world, which my stories never fall into. guess i'm old fashioned.
hey, u live in San Fransico. You might know Tom Jenks. He runs Narrative out there. He's a nice guy.
I think "it rocks off the page" is the best comment I could ever hope for. On anything. Many thanks!
Right back at you -
Congrats on getting onboard with Rick Barthelme. That's huge. Much luck with your new editorship there.
thanks, Meg, for the comment on Time to Rest! Much appreciated!
I'm so late in doing this, but thank you for stopping by to read "Under Perfect Conditions" and "Helen O" - and for leaving such wonderful comments. :)
Thanks, Meg, for the comment on "The Solace of Olives." We take solace wherever we can find it, right? Cheers!
Nice to meet you here! And if you decide to go for the column, sign me up as a regular reader!
Dear Peg,
My wife keeps buying me these Ralph Lauren knit shirts in outrageous colors with that ridiculous, oversized polo logo. Now she's hidden all my black t-shirts, even the one with the really neat Rhodesian Light Infantry shield emblazoned on the pocket.
What should I do?
Yours truly,
Shirtless in Scarsdale
". . . that took me somewhere and held me."
DRAT! You're on to my writing ploy, Meg. That's what I wanted to do, for ever so long. Thanks for that particular comment on POSEY'S POND.
Meg, Thanks for the attention you gave to "I Wonder About the Trees." It's such an odd piece. I'm glad it touched you.
thanks for the comment on 'the nurse', meg. still remains unpublished but it was a fun one to write.
You. Thanks for your thumbs up review of "Cats." I have heard that there are several felines at your house. Plus a dog, several rats, and a lizard. Is this true?
Thanks for your wonderful comment on Bedtime Story, Meg! nice seeing you here again!
Meg, dear heart, thanks so much for All Credit Rescinded
Meg, your comment about my story "Evil Humor" reads like a little poem. Thank you so much!
Meg, I'm not weird. I'm a model of sanity in a weird world. See my latest post. But thank you for the kudos!
Meg, Oh, no! I didn't mean to dunk you!
meg thank you so much. you're my total rockstar.
Good of you to read and comment on my story, Meg. Thanks!
Meg, I'm so glad you found "Extracurricular" likeyable.
Meg, I'm so glad you found "Extracurricular" likeyable.
Meg, well I likey that you likey.
Hi Meg-
Thank you for reading and commenting on "Documents Carcasses". Much appreciated!
Hi Meg-
I just want to tell you how much I admire your work. While I'm sure you hear it all the's another comment for your wall. :)
Meg, Congrats to you & Jack on your upcoming book collaboration! Two of my fav flash writers. I'm sure it will be a smash!
Meg, Thanks once again for your support and encouragement. I have learned so much from you. Glad you liked "Easy Rider."
Strange and funny can also be serious, I think. Humor makes things stick in the reader's mind, right? Whereas some so-called "serious" fiction may be promptly forgotten. Who knows? I've been writing some flash lately, esp after staying up till dawn when things look weird and funny. I'm no expert on flash, but for me inspiration takes over, I see the story/scene whole, and my own intentions become irrelevant. If I even have any.
Hi Meg - Thanks so much for reading & commenting on "Flotation Device" - I'm thrilled you liked it :)
Hi Meg- The JMWW interview was great. Believe I may have posted a fb comment on someone's link but just wanted to say thanks again for being so open about both the experience and the work. "the things he thought would help" has stayed with me, and will.
Very glad you enjoyed 'A Woman Walks Into A Bar'. Your comments and fav are exciting and encouraging- Especially coming from someone
whose work I admire as much as I do yours.
Thanks again, Meg, and all best.
I enjoyed the interview you gave on JMWW-Origins!
Meg, After I read your comment about "Naked Ladies," I climbed on the roof and shouted: "Made it, Ma! Top of the World!" Thank you, thank you.
Thanks for being my buddy (#1) and for recently fav'ing Shades of Gray (#2). And, of course, with goes without saying, but your writing kicks some serious A-S-S. (#3).
Thanks again, Meg, for your great comments on "Hotel Chelsea Scene 2" ... What would you think about a novel/linked stories kind of thing, that's all like Hotel Chelsea, swinging back and forth in time to paint the narrator?
The wait is over. Scene 2 is posted.
Current favs? Me? I am thrilled!
Meg, "Hotel Chelsea" just might turn into a monster. Thanks for the Fav, and I'm glad you liked it.
and now i've got "kumquat soda" set to the tune of kung fu fighting. what's wrong with me?
And thanks for your enthusiasm about "Peanut Time"!
Thank you, Meg, for your comment about "Back in the Shower," and I'm glad you liked it :-)
Hi, Meg! Thanks so much for the comment on "In the Pastel City." Really interesting idea to end it as you suggest. Always interested in radical paths. Thanks for reading.
P.S. Love all the exciting animation you're doing. You've inspired me!
Meg, Thank you for the thumbs up for my falling out of bed story. And for the idea of reading it backwards!
Glad you enjoyed Basenji. Thank you for reading.
Meg! thanks for your thumbs up on Elephant! And for the prompt in the first place! Elephants jumping or not jumping lumbered around in my head for a day or so, it was going to be all comedy and farce, and then this spilled out when I got down to it. So thank you for making something already so special to me (oh elephants!) find expression here.
Meg, thanks for reading and commenting on my not-a-George-Saunders piece. Much appreciated!
Meg, Thanks so much for reading and commenting on Fallen Souffle. You made my day!
Meg, thank you so much for your kind comment on Hummingbird - and of course for the prompt - it's all thanks to you! M
Crypticulous = enigmatically superb. Your work apparently requires the development of a comprehensive new subset of superlatives. But fear not, ma'am, we have the technology.
Many thanks, Meg, for your comments and the fave on "Lost in Transit"--always appreciated, and I'm glad you liked the poem!
Meg - thank you for the triple greats on the wacky Alpaca!
Terrific interview with Jack Swenson. It's wonderful to get to know other writers here in more depth!
Thank you for inviting me to join your new "Unpublished" group! Even if you sent invites to all your contacts, I'm still flattered!
Meg, You always say such nice things about my stories. I'm glad you liked "Black Orchids." Thanks so much.
Many thanks, Meg, for loving on "My Thumbs"!
Just read "Kumuat Soda." Hilarious.
thanks, Meg, for your enthusiastic comment on the details in Routine. I appreciate you reading it so closely!
Hi Meg,
Thank you for the read and the comment--so glad to hear you liked the Deer Collage story!
Thanks Meg, hugs and love 2 u 2.
Meg, Hiya, hiya. Thanks for reading and commenting on "Secrets." You are so busy!
Thanks, Meg, for your comments on "Why Go Outside?"
My pleasure, Meg.
Meg, I'm so glad you liked my "old codgers" story. Good to be in touch again! I have been neglecting Facebook, I'm afraid. I HAVE to pay a visit today. I'll put it at the top of my list. Well, no; lunch and a nap come first.
Thanks, Meg, for reading and commenting on "Color Wheel." It's great to have such an enthusiastic endorsement, whatever it is!
Thank you, Meg, for reading Spill - your comments mean a lot to me. Martha
Thanks, Meg.
Thank you for reading and commenting on My Rice Krispies Treat. I hope I pasted it correctly on FB.
Thanks, Meg!
Thank you for your kind words, Meg. Made my week. Really. Peace...
That's funny because after I asked you for more, I found 'The Serious Writer and her Pussy'! So my wish came true. Thanks and nice to meet you.
Thank you Meg, for your clever words about cake tin rusted. As you know I really enjoy your writing too.
Thanks so much for your wonderful words about "Real Estate," Meg. Thanks for teaching me how to play!
Thanks for commenting on Lover Come Back. I'm new here and yours was my first comment. I'm really glad you liked. But I'm so unsure of what to publish here that I deleted it before I noticed the e-mail informing me of your comment. I've added on to Lover Come Back and it gets sexually graphic. I'm not sure if it belongs here, or anywhere. Maybe I'll post it at the WordPress site untill I have a better idea of what to publish here. But I'm sorry I deleted the first part now.
Thank you, Meg! Appreciate the comment and fav.
Thanks for faveing Pleiku Jacket. I've been thinking about swimming pools ever since reading your Villa Monterey. Something about that blue.
Wow, thank you David. I AM happy with it. I really am, and that is a good feeling. Thank you so much!
Wow, thank you David. I AM happy with it. I really am, and that is a good feeling. Thank you so much!
I just read my favorite Meg P story ever, at Necessary Fiction. My God, you are getting better.
Looking forward to the yAWP prompts...if I can keep up! Ha!
Hi, Meg, thank you so much for the invitation - this place is awesome. Martha
You are MORE than welcome, Meg. It's an absolute joy to read your work :)
I don't know how I feel about the term "wall masturbation."
Hi Meg, thanks for the read - I'm glad you liked Eight States Away, and thanks for letting me know, too.
Thanks, Meg! Have you seen Bullitt? That's Steve McQueen at his finest!
Hi Meg, thanks for commenting on A Dream Life, all three times!
Thanks, Meg, for reading Little Walter. And also bravo, bravo for the decision on the Horse Shrink stories. We are all better off here at the Naut for you having made that call. Look forward to reading more of them in the future. Take care.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story and to comment.
You are very welcome for the comments on the parrot story. I love your work. It has a Dorothy Parker quality that I so admire. Smart. Witty. Poignant.
Meg, I can't tell how much I value the thumbs up for "Mannequin" from both of you. I was feeling kind of blue today. Not anymore!
Hi Meg, I'm glad you liked Invisible Grime - thanks for letting me know!
Bonnie - i think it is really case by case. Depending on what someone writes.
Okay, this is one of my first experiments in writing on someone's wall in fictionaut. Are you supposed to respond when someone writes on your wall? If they thank you for something you said. If so, I've got terrible manners!
Meg, Thanks for the thumbs up for my birdie story. When you run for President, I will vote for you.
Well, Meg, I've got great teachers. Thanks for the thumbs up for "Quitting."
Thanks, Meg, for your review comments about my "Wedding Cake" story.
Hi Meg, thanks for reading Cactus - glad you liked it, but sorry I made you cry...
Thanks for the kind words on "Johnny's Blue Mosrite Guitar." I wouldn't have written it, however, without a fine, fine prompt from you.
Hey Meg, I'm glad you liked my chapter flash, and thanks for saying so.
Meg, I'm glad I made you chuckle, but I didn't mean to make you cry!
Meg, thanks so much for joining the Significant Objects group! We haven't figured out a great way to display the objects to be made Significant, but the current one is an "egg whisk."
We might put up a new one soon, trying to decide. Thanks again!
Thanks for your comments about WINCE, Meg. Made me blush...
Thanks for the push, Meg. Truly needed it - today of all days, but really, for a long time!
Meg, thanks for your comments on "A Little Peace." Maybe that's why I was so taken by your "every other line" exercise. What you take out is still there!
Hi back at you, Meg. Now I'm gonna get me a glass of Shiraz and read some of your favorites.
Meg, your comments on my story "A Little Peace" made my day.
"I feel so much is going on in the spaces between things in your work."
Nobody has ever given me a better compliment. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the invite. I am going to put a piece up soon. Really. I swear. I'm not lazy. Not really.
Meg, thanks for the invite. This looks like a great community, and I hope to make the most of it.
Thanks for comment on "Sweet Basil." It's nice to finally get it pubbed, as I've been subbing it off and on for over ten years!
I heart you, A-Meggers!
Hi Meg, thanks for reading and commenting on my story. I'm really glad you liked it. foster.
I print out every one of your comments on my stories and keep them in a scrapbook. I stop people on the street and show it to them. Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed "Praise," Meg. As I said, let me know if you ever need a blurb!
Wow! What a day it has been. A nice note from D.B., and a thumbs up for my story from you. Valentine's Day indeed!
Thanks, Meg!
Hi Meg-On Facebook, I went to click on to follow your blog invite and I lost it after I clicked on it. Will you send it to me again? Thanks. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Gopnik and Lane? Could you be a TNY subscriber? I'm reading Gopnik's "Van Gogh's Ear" now. Like your stories.
Hi Meg. Thanks for the read and comments, and for all your help. foster.
Hi Meg. Thanks for the read and comments, and for all your help. foster.
Kind words, Meg. Thanks. You are the best.
Hey Meg. How would you tighten "Conversation on Thanksgiving"? I don't know what direction, seeing that I am impartial to all of it. ;)
No, my dear, you rock. Reading one of your stories was a big reason I wanted to get on this fictionaut thing!
Three cats in SF isn't bad. We live on the east side of the bay, and we have ten. I figure it's my job. I think I'll post a cat story next.
You herd cats? Bet you read Jon Carroll in the Chronic, too.
Thank you again for your comments, and thanks for inviting me.
Meg - thank you so much for checking out my story. Loved your latest in Prick of the Spindle. Hope you're having a wonderful Xmas!
Thanks Meg!
Hello Meg Pokrass! Thank you so much for doing a video reading of "An Argonaut Ethos." It's very cool.
Hi, Meg. Thank you!
Meg, this is a great site, I'm having fun and reading some amazing fiction. I haven't joined any of the other sites. But this is entirely different and feels very "community" in the best sense. Thanks for your good words and support of my work!
Thanks Meg!
Hi Meg, I can't tell you how nice that is to read, coming from you. Huge thanks for helping me figure out how to push myself and my writing and get into FRiGG.
Thanks for the hello, Meg!
Hi Meg, have you received my email re: your matchbook piece?
hi meg! your kindness is much appreciated!
Hi Meg. I see all the usual suspects here and more. Looks great.
Hi Meg! I made it! Now, to figure out the picture thingee!
I feel like I'm cheating on Zoe. But, thanks for the invite Meg! I guess I'll have to write some new stuff, huh?
Hi Meg and thanks for the nice note. I was already a fan of your writing reading some of your publications here and there and enjoyed reading you here today too. Have a nice weekend!
Howdy, Meg!
Hi Meg, thanks so much for your comments on Hurlophobia. Comments like those really, truly keep me going at this thing when I'm exhausted. Best, David
Thanks, Meg. I've actually been here a little while, but I haven't been participating. I read occasionally (there's great stuff around), but as it seems largely to be a place for flash fiction and the short side of short stories, I've decided against posting my own work, which has been running longer lately.
Thanks for the welcome message! Adore 'I Capture The Castle' -- wish Dodie Smith's other novels were in print as well. Haven't had much luck in secondhand bookstores. :)
Hey Meg!!
Oh, Meg! You're such a nicey.
Thanks, Meg! I consider it an honor, coming from you.
Hey to you, Meg. Trying to learn the bells and whistles here.
Thanks Meg for faving Eldorado :)
hi meg! thank you!
Thanks, Meg! Looking forward to reading yours as well.
Aha! I knew you'd be on this, Meg. I feel like I'm following you and Erlewine around...
Hello Meg! I just joined this site and noticed your profile. The new issue of TTQ just went live last friday. Take a peek:
Meg, Thanks for saying hello. I know of Molly -- have heard JH speak of her (all good!). I love Susan Minot, too. If I could choose any writer to write like it would be her. Unfortunately, I can't choose.
Meg, Thanks for turning me on to this site. It is so cool. It's really nice to get comments on my work and everyone's writing is so professional.
Meg, I've enjoyed reading your stories. Your attention to small, telling details and your incredible brevity are entirely engaging.
Hi Meg! This place is pretty crazy. I haven't had a chance to really dive into it yet, but I'm really looking forward to it!
Glad to be here! Thanks!!
Hi Meg! I love your writing prompts. I'm totally going to use them. I love writing 'challenges.' They make me happy. :-)
wow, thanks for the comments on 'spirit play' or whatever the heck it is. haven't been on here in a while so i almost missed it.
Thanks so much, Meg, for your comments on "Dinner With The Lydia"--heh heh.
Hi Meg,
Thanks so much for the warm welcome and kind words!
Hi Meg, thank you so much for your kind comments on "Cracking Open." I'll take that as high praise indeed coming from you.
hey Meg, glad to make the comments. it's a strong story. can't wait to read more. i think i said this somewhere, but i'm a big fan of your blog, too.
Hi Meg, good to meet you too. Damn Sure Right is an inspiring piece of work, an easy favourite for me. And no, I'm not on zoetrope. I've had a look round before but it seemed a bit complicated...
Meg, thank you so much for your comments on "The Change." I know you have a lot going on right now, and I really appreciate you taking the time to read my story and comment.
Hi Meg, thanks so much for your comment on Marionettes. I'm thrilled you like it. David
thanks meg! your writing rocks double. if i wasn't keeping it at shhh! level, I'm sure my mother would forward you an enthusiastic hello.
if it takes letting you sit on my lap to get you to the next awp, so be it. i'll drag your butt to sfo and make you get on the plane so everyone else can meet the fabulous meg p.!
Hi Meg,
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm delighted to be here.
Okay, finally dug out that old telemarketer piece. It's a bit long for this site, but still...
Yep. I think we do have the same dog. Did you miss him when I took him for a walk this morning?
I have to figure out how to put a link to your blog on mine. I forget each time...
Thanks for the comments on "The Cougar," Meg. And for favoriting it!
thanks re: erase, meg. you're such a kind reader and your fb posts make me laugh.
(e-mail me at to set up our coffee adventure!)
Lauren - thank you for the kind words. I'd love to have coffee in the city!
hey meg -- thanks for the comment on "laughter." i love your stuff though i can't keep up with you! coffee in san francisco one day?
Thanks for the comments and fav for my story, Meg! Still trying to understand the best way to respond - my wall, your wall, message? It sure reads better to respond on your own wall, but will the poster see it?
Meg, thanks for your comment on my story a while back. I've been enjoying YOUR stuff a lot.
Hi Meg, thanks for the fav for my story. I am glad you liked it,
I would like to read more stories of yours. I really loved the one I made a comment on. I was thinking of it while I was driving today.
Thanks, Barry! You really can't go wrong with Three Musketeers...
meg! great stuff on wigleaf. the three musketeers bit was a good touch.
Thanks Barry!
read the new piece in pboz. great stuff
Thanks for writing on my wall and inquiring about cotton candy options.
Hey - thanks for suggesting this. Good stuff.
Hi, Meg! Good to be here. I'll have to poke around here this weekend, see what it's all about.