the best way to use this site is to put up stuff that's already been published, and give it new life. This is kind of a showcase compliment to zoe, and doesn't compete at all the way i see it. At least, not at this point. There is no real workshopping at this time, it's just bringing out stuff that was maybe published 6 months ago.. that's such a benefit, and exposes your work to more readers. sorry to run on and on... hope this helps. You loyal guy!!!
Thank you, Hobie. You rock.
Good to meet you too.
hobie, thanks for checking out my msnbc interview and letting me know, dude. really appreciate the kind words. d
Thanks for putting Tom Robbins on your list! B is for Beer!
and so it begins...
the best way to use this site is to put up stuff that's already been published, and give it new life. This is kind of a showcase compliment to zoe, and doesn't compete at all the way i see it. At least, not at this point. There is no real workshopping at this time, it's just bringing out stuff that was maybe published 6 months ago.. that's such a benefit, and exposes your work to more readers. sorry to run on and on... hope this helps. You loyal guy!!!