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12821282 views1414 comments77 favs

Dreams & foghorns.

A Sometimes Niggling Notion

12821282 views1515 comments99 favs

A po'm

Kitchen Scrap

12821282 views55 comments44 favs

Her pudgy face, flour-coated and sugary and so life-nurturing in the past, had a different spark now, a searching look I’d seen as soon as she opened the door.

Now and Then

12821282 views1919 comments44 favs

We wore cowboy hats and jeans in the pictures. They both came off once his camera disappeared.

Moon Over L.A.

12821282 views88 comments88 favs

The moon begins to rise over L.A. while the roaches try to crawl up the sides of the mountains surrounding the L.A. Basin. While fires rage in the forests of the night, here comes the moon over the horizon, big and haunted, pock-marked and coo

Sleepy Time for Jimmy

12821282 views1010 comments99 favs

Now comfy is as comfy does, but when sleeping strange, please accept a wide range of cradle, crib, cave.


12811281 views1212 comments1111 favs

I peed on Rick’s toothbrush. I nearly repented and cleansed it with hydrogen peroxide in the middle of the night. But I didn’t.

Seasonal Poem

12811281 views66 comments55 favs

One of the poems in my collection, One Day Tells its Tale to Another, published December 16, 2012. Available on Amazon. My first book!

Blues Repeat

12811281 views99 comments44 favs

don't look at me honey, I fell on the table, my hair is on fire, my heart is unstable

The Night Bird

12811281 views00 comments00 favs

A night bird lands on the windowsill with a struggling copper moth in its beak. The bird cocks its head at Rasmus, then swallows the clockwork insect in a gulp before flying away.

As Many Will Fall

12811281 views88 comments77 favs

tumbling for you from afar as close-up. They will rewrite your dancing form like a proper magical spell on all their maddest days, using the branches of cherished trees dipped into the trapped wells of certain hosts of …

The Scenes Speak for Themslves

12811281 views00 comments00 favs

We are the images, the tableau vivant, the one-person shows, the scenes from scattered plays. We wait for the Caretaker who prompts us to play and replay one by one on her rounds.

Lamenting Lexiconical Loss

12811281 views1111 comments99 favs

Neglected long enough, uncalled for/ by the shrinking language of the day,// my words abandon me.


12811281 views55 comments33 favs

It was midnight. I was outside the cottage, digging another row of star-shaped holes for the shrubbery.

The Whippy Guy

12811281 views11 comment00 favs

He was the tall, whippy type. Dangerous.

Rwanda Suite: Ape Woman

12811281 views99 comments99 favs

I should have buried him on the saddleback and kept my mouth shut. I'll murder the bastard who did it.

Living in the Lapin of Luxury

12811281 views44 comments11 fav

“There’s cheap land at Cudlee Creek perfect for breeding long-haired rabbits,” he added. “They can’t jump high so fencing costs are low.”

Salome Danced

12811281 views22 comments22 favs

After we'd been on the highway about an hour, it started to snow. Sammy leaned down to pick up the roach he'd dropped, and we skidded off the highway

Myra's Mother

12811281 views55 comments33 favs

Smoking is like hooking up with an ex-girlfriend: you know she's bad for you and that it won't work out, but it feels so familiar and comfortable and so easy to slide back into.

One Billionth of a Lifetime

12811281 views00 comments00 favs

Bill was queasy, short of breath, his chest tightening. He was next. How he hated this game of confession. It was harder than going to a priest, which at least allowed a measure of anonymity. True, these were friends, yet, in terms of the game, he was vastly…


12811281 views2222 comments1818 favs

The end will film itself/ in charred, eviscerated bodies


12811281 views88 comments88 favs

“I won't live here,” Beth said, waving her hand to indicate the small Southern town in which they were having dinner—the most delicious fried chicken either of them had ever tasted—in a restaurant located in an antebellum mansion. She looked…

Complicated Game

12801280 views11 comment00 favs

Peggy woke up in the bedroom smelling burned pumpkin and she instantly knew her husband Tim had remained unconscious and insensible on the couch again and let the candle burn down. She and Lennon had watched him the previous night take control of the…

A Butterfly For A Married Woman

12801280 views33 comments22 favs

A married woman requests a butterfly tattoo that won't please her husband from an old tattoo artist.


12801280 views1414 comments66 favs

She drinks a chocolate martini. I fold myself up and slide into her pocket.

Snake Walk

12801280 views1717 comments66 favs

The Viper turns so quickly that Father's grabbing hand now faces its head instead of its tail.


12801280 views44 comments44 favs

She served him pie she knew was ruined.

The Tale of Pregnant Tinkerbelle

12801280 views33 comments33 favs

Everyone was shocked when they heard Tinkerbelle was six days gone and had got so heavy she couldn't fly. Who could have done it, everyone asked, but Tinkerbelle wasn't telling. So no one knew. That isn't true. I knew, and in this Declaration I swear I will tell…

If I Could Locate the Tether that Keeps Me Here I Would Chew Off the Limb That It's Tied To

12801280 views1010 comments66 favs

She is face down in the snow

The Cat was Wrong

12801280 views55 comments22 favs

Bitch My brother is the only person who dared to slaughter a bitch and its five puppies. It is sickening to write this story. Sickening to read it. This happened on Sunday night when the muezzin called for the prayer. The puppies were…