by Miles Tepper
Mounds of earth and grassless ground
Leafless trees that make no sound
Gravel paths without an end
Messages nowhere to send
Marble tablets flat and cold
Countless stories never told
Promises that weren't kept
Dreams that vanished while they slept
Kindnesses too few in number
Unshed tears in endless slumber
And yet such fortune need not be
So long as we love's color see
For 'though red skies mean day is done
Red hearts foretell the rising sun.
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Ressurection (A Sonnet) - this was written for the "Valentine's Day Massacre" challenge.
Wow--I got the image of a cemetary with floral arrangements in hearts of red roses. Nice!
wonderful sonnet Miles. You can send those messages to me.
Loved this sad, but uplifting poem.
Even though we share a name, I can't begin to rhyme a poem-- this is terrific
Thank you Susan G., Estelle and Susan T. for your kind words.
Nice to see someone still doing formalist poetry. Good job with it too.
i am in absolute awe at anyone able to pen a sonnet...let alone one as beautifully conceived. The last two lines are absolutely wonderful. star!
Loved this, and frankly agree with it. Top form. Well done. Thank you for posting.
Thanks Jon, Finnegan and D.P. Much appreciated I love a challenge -- especially rhyming poetry.
I could never write a sonnet.
Great job with this poem.
Thank you, Gloria. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I like it! especially the ending, which is true, and something to always keep in mind.