Stories tagged valentine

A Nerdy Valentine's Day Poem

82358235 views66 comments55 favs

So I wrote you a poem Sorry if it’s geeky and weird But I’m not your traditional guy I mean I can’t even grow a beard

A Gift of Love (for the Valentine's Day Massacre Challenge)

313313 views3838 comments1515 favs

He laid it all out on the kitchen table: wrapping paper covered in tiny hearts, a special valentine shaped like a heart that read “To My Wonderful Wife on Valentine's Day,” and his present for her. He couldn't find the scissors so he used his knife. Red ribbons…

Resurrection - A Sonnet (for Valentine's Day Massacre challenge)

13521352 views1111 comments44 favs

Mounds of earth and grassless ground

Cupid, Cupid

127127 views1010 comments55 favs


Nine Million Eggs (Valentines Day Challenge)

141141 views4040 comments1111 favs

Most of them were men who wanted photos of her naked.

Rose Petals

16701670 views2020 comments88 favs

A supermodel, carrying a large Valentine’s box, fell on the ice.

lent (valentine's day challenge )

13801380 views66 comments55 favs

the names / she carried (within)

Happy (Valentine Day massacre challenge)

293293 views3535 comments1212 favs

You say you want to give him something to remember you by.

(Valentine's Day Massacre) Ricky's Mom

5050 views99 comments77 favs

I need to be firmer with her this time, not let her blather on about being a widow, about the horrible fate that her husband suffered last month when another, misclassified prisoner was allowed access into his cell.

This Could Be a Card, for Mary

324324 views4242 comments1414 favs

as if the living weren't the thing


309309 views1818 comments1212 favs

And it wasn't even a lesbian romance!

The Open Perch (Valentine's Day Challenge)

14731473 views66 comments33 favs

… in truth I am not waiting, but also flying in my soul to meet her, a journey that has taken me across the span of my own lifetime and the gulf of that same mysteriously mapped universe.

Peace-keeping (Valentine's Day Massacre Theme)

17691769 views2626 comments99 favs

So they told him he better get ready to join the army because that’s where it was at, for him. After all, not everybody could split coconuts with their hands.

Valentine (Valentine's Day Massacre)

11481148 views88 comments44 favs

"What's the matter Daniel, you think you're going to get Hannah to like you? I'd eat dog poop before I'd believe my sister would have anything to do with you."

Of Love and War

137137 views1717 comments55 favs

“Will you save me if they bomb us?”