Stories tagged family

Straight Out of the Can

18331833 views77 comments88 favs

My other brother, Mike, has been camping out with the Carter boys down the street. For breakfast, he had beans, straight out of a can, and they were the best thing he ever ate. “These are the best,” he told them. “The best beans?” Joe, t

It Is Enough

17301730 views22 comments22 favs

I don't know what my mother is thinking. She's either cart wheeling into crazy land or turning into a ghoul.


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Was it hope or despair that drove her to walk out the door of the place she had called home for the past twenty years? Did she feel sorrow or relief to leave behind a husband and five children?

Ramblers and Spinners

22042204 views11 comment11 fav

IT SNOWED all day the Monday after Thanksgiving. After supper and homework, my brother, Will, and I sat in the narrowly opened window of the second floor apartment where we lived and watched the older kids run their bicycles down Sweet's Hill and hit their brakes at…


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Mark looked at the barrel. Will had filled it to within inches of the top, and that meant the water was cold enough to take away breath, cold enough to make lips turn blue. Even if it had sat all day in the sun, the bottom would be cold, but now, after


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Madeleines, which he hadn’t touched in twelve years, had a place in all this, were accessories in his daughter’s violation.

Letting Go.

917917 views22 comments11 fav

Alone now and grief stricken, he’d forgotten a time when she could remember…


14451445 views66 comments11 fav

It doesn’t get dark for hours but Sam doesn’t know that. Mum bought extra-thick blinds for his bedroom windows.

A Sea View of the Great, Great World

1010 views00 comments11 fav

  “Brett? It's your cousin Georgie. You hear about my mother?”             Brett looked over his shoulder at a pair of plumbers wrestling with the busted trap under his kitchen sink. Georgie's mother, Brett's Aunt Lucy, was eighty-five. Something…

Fifth of July

18351835 views33 comments22 favs

On the day my grandmother was buried, my grandfather shucked corn.

My hood

213213 views22 comments00 favs

My father was a writer and a great man, and his father was a writer, as was the one before him, and he was a great writer, too.


18541854 views1616 comments1313 favs

We soft boiled the free range egg, cracked it, and were surprised to find nothing in it.

Big Slide

16941694 views77 comments22 favs

The screams and howls of other people's children set him on edge. But he struggled to stay cheerful. They had season passes, so the visits there cost nothing and it had consequently become a weekly tradition to go. The children had not, as far as he could

Potato Mash

28152815 views22 comments22 favs

Foxes haunted her dreams. Islands full of foxes, truckloads of vixen.

State Fair

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My brother won a model airplane contest, the year he turned nine.