Stories tagged family

Momo and Me

12381238 views00 comments00 favs

Momo told me not to mind her, but I did. At night, after he'd tucked me in, I could hear him on the phone in the living room, talking for a long time. Early this morning he woke me up and gave me my backpack. ‘Put some clothes in here', he said. ‘We're going on a trip.'

(7) Plus and Minus

16301630 views11 comment11 fav

"Her actions in the city seemed invariably designed to destroy that person, which she’d worked so hard all her life to become."

His Laugh is My Yellow (or explaining skin color to a six-year-old boy)

11361136 views55 comments44 favs

Max is the color of burnt caramelized sugar the sweet crust that decorates our bright enameled pots.

His Laugh is My Yellow (or explaining skin color to a six-year-old)

2323 views22 comments11 fav

Max is the color of burnt caramelized sugar the sweet crust on our bright enameled pots.

for my mother on mother's day

122122 views4444 comments1919 favs

My mother, now a girl again, cares for ex-cons.

After the Fall

14061406 views88 comments88 favs

They were a family, now, these three: child, widow, widower.

Woman, Running Late, in a Dress

53775377 views2424 comments1717 favs

Gasps and shouts, a hand on my arm, sequined gowns and expensive colognes parting before me. And then, there, Raymond’s crumpled form on the hardwood floor of the foyer, like a sleeve torn from a jacket, the stitches frayed and useless.


11291129 views44 comments22 favs

He could smell the vestiges of alcohol on his folks. They’d let him stay up till midnight to mark the new year, and his mother had sneaked him a taste of her whisky. He remembered now what she’d last said before sending him off to bed, how strange it soun

On My 37th Birthday

138138 views44 comments44 favs

My shrink says I need to go out more and socialize./My husband says I need to build up some muscle./My mother says I need to have a baby before my eggs dry up.

Ghost Returns Home

892892 views00 comments00 favs

"Do you know how long they've waited for you?" Elle asked. "At first, it was every day after school, waiting at the windows. They wouldn't go play with friends because they wanted to be here, in case you returned. Then, they used to believe you would come

Ghost Searches Downtown

12751275 views55 comments22 favs

No one told a story.


806806 views11 comment11 fav

In September of that year, our neighbor Wayne had this idea that he could get rich by selling groceries Amway-style, and he booted his 12-year-old boy out of his own bedroom and put up shelves loaded with packages of spaghetti, cans of roast beef, soda po

The Brother

14411441 views99 comments55 favs

I guess it’s extremely difficult to be a decent human being in all aspects of your life.

The Wonders of Wonder

15041504 views77 comments77 favs

There it was, square in the middle of someone’s lawn: a slice of white bread, like a shirtless Englishman stretched out in the sun.

The Warden, the Photograph, and the Story

215215 views99 comments33 favs

The most she'll see of daylight is a pair of white eyes through the tilted blinds.