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I became a fool for Adrienne Parker the first moment I set eyes on her.
Whenever Parker walked into Oliveira's Cafe my breath would stop. I'd try turning away, then find my gaze locked on her face. Maybe it was her bare arms that I found so appealing
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The next day was my faculty trial, and things grew real intense around the campus. A large crowd of students began to gather around the base of the building that housed the administrative offices, where my hearing was being held. The meeting room was up o
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All of a sudden I felt a hand on my neck. I jumped up from my chair and turned to face my brother Darrell, with his surprisingly white shock of hair, the result of all the drugs he'd been experimenting with, back in his mid-twenties. He was even taller
54 9 2
Her baby is a furred thing, alternately bristled and then soft. She hopes it isn’t shedding, wonders how she’ll ever get all that hair out of her if it is.
35 9 2
They shave their hair together, before she even starts to lose hers. It's to show how much I support you, he says, and she appreciates the gesture even as she suspects their twin bald heads will only add to the public stares she fears more than anything.
45 6 2
What month then, what spring or fall, what meaningless season of locusts and black flies besetting our town, flown in on thickening air, on sickening smell? And then, in the middle of its days, this chrysalis, this cocoon, found wrapped between us...
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The man that had been in the driver's seat approached. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he said.
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Jefferson pulled the lever and the back-hoe dug deep into the earth; the machine creaked and bucked, fighting soil hard-baked by two months of record heat. They liked the holes six feet deep by ten feet wide, just like in Georgia, but this…
1950 0 1
I retrieved the book from the middle of the room and set it in front of her. "Look," I said. "If we open the book up again at the beginning, Charlotte's alive. She'll always be alive in the book."
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She noticed the bony claws protruding from under the tattered cloak, the sagging ectoplasm that seemed to drip from the specter's gaseous mouth.
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When I got word from Mary Jo, she warned me that Mitchell Parkman was out looking for me with a butcher knife. I knew immediately what I had to do. I packed up my things and sold the Pepsi van and moved up to a room on Regent Street in Berkeley, all the w
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SHE: I hate you, don't leave me. Let me drive you away so you will stay.
You ask about the worst of me, what I've told nobody and hidden just out of sight. I'd say it's hidden below the surface, but I wear it on my sleeve or just under it -- so you wil
5258 49 29
“The place is great”
we told the rental agent
“except for one thing
“Pigeons are nesting
on the air conditioner
in the bedroom window
“At 7 a.m. the pigeons
were having sex
on the air conditioner
“They started getting r
1800 47 20
The serious writer always knew there would be a last story but when the time came, he felt ill-prepared.
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The turkeys are big. They look like ostriches when they run.