Stories tagged story

The Grinder

907907 views22 comments11 fav

"For several days thinking they had found a dead man’s boot beside the highway..."

Suicide Draft

15231523 views00 comments00 favs

So, dear world, whose dearness I have never truly known, I bid you adieu.

Flowers for Our Dead Lovers

10901090 views11 comment11 fav

We brought flowers for our dead lovers

The Fortune of an Accident

13521352 views00 comments00 favs

Staring at her horribly disfigured face, I envied her.


326326 views1616 comments88 favs

At this, he looked at me out of his dull, milky eyes. He blew the air out of his cheeks.

Our Time as Men

12281228 views44 comments44 favs

Rhonda looks guilty as it is, don’t you think? That hair! And the unhappiness smeared across her face like war paint after a war.


10901090 views1515 comments1414 favs

The rain pelted down, it got dark, and they couldn't see a thing. The wind roared like a thousand locomotives.


730730 views77 comments55 favs

Tokyo is the dream we never had.

Still Crazy After All These Years

10061006 views00 comments00 favs

Dr. van Roos reminded the group that trauma is trauma...

Powdered Sugar on Bare Skin

17121712 views22 comments11 fav

At first I thought maybe I was dreaming, or hallucinating from the lack of sleep and a high altitude. I peered out of the small window and thought I saw a man walking stark naked along a path maybe twenty feet from my trailer. He walked briskly into a one

Butterfly, Butterflown

1717 views00 comments00 favs

Erik Amré watches a butterfly advance against the breeze in Boston. Erik fears metamorphosis because he cannot foreknow what he'll become, yet he fears what he has become: adrift and a disappointment to the memory of his students and…

An association game with the word 'guilt' (or how (not) to die inside)

10161016 views55 comments22 favs

The past operates with incredible gravity. Powerful, efficient, deceptive. Thin, sleek cords sent out by it attach themselves to your back, your legs, your buttocks, the back of your head. Resist. Walk. One leg after another. Easy does it, like a baby. Do

Old Friends Getting Older

821821 views33 comments11 fav

I just amuse myself by buying old guns and refurbishing them in my basement as I listen to old Bohemian polkas on cassettes.

A Black Night

16971697 views1818 comments1111 favs

The hairs on my arm lift with the breeze; a haunting breath from the open window carrying night-scented stock from the black-shrouded garden.

The Other Side

16981698 views55 comments33 favs

That was the first time I went over the wall. No bird opened its mouth to chirp. No wind blew. I staggered a little on the stony edge. And dropped down. I changed in a cafe. Shaved. Emerged as that rare thing: a new man. My clothes were old, saved for