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Once upon a time, I wrote a novel entitled Lux War: Coronation. It was intended to be the first installment of an epic fantasy series. After querying agents for over a year and receiving nothing but rejection letters, I decided to self-publish Lux War through an…
7068 20 17
The woman returns from the store with an armload of books. She reads them quickly, one by one, over the course of the next few weeks. But when she opens the last one, the woman frowns in surprise.
All the pages in the book are blank.
Every single one.
3471 11 3
The man meets a woman while out on his lunch break. She seems nice; they strike up a conversation. Before leaving, the woman gives the man her telephone number. The man goes home and thinks about it.
It’s been a long time since he’s been on a date.
2386 10 1
The last thing eleven year-old Alysia Perez remembered, she clenched her mother’s waist as they both turned to stone in the museum. When she opened her eyes, she was in a world of darkness.
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“Is it a dream? Or is it real?”
Questions Megumi asked herself as she stood before the mirror. She no longer had fox ears or a fox tail. Even her long brown hair had turned jet black and her lavender eyes were a natural green just like Alysia’s.
2430 0 2
They would ride with a mechanic synchronicity, like schools of robotic fish, and appear and disappear suddenly, never still, never trapped in traffic snarls, always finding a way through the gridlocks and the side streets.
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So long I have journeyed a
poverty-stricken fugitive seeking
shelter, and know rest only in the
hollow of your hands.
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Alysia and Megumi were now twelve years old and for the first time, they were celebrating their birthday together. It was also special for them because it was a leap year and they did not have to celebrate on March First.
1922 3 1
Chap. XI: A Place Beauteous of Which I Dare Not Speak And when I had released the spirit from his worldly prison, he did show to me a way that man does not travel, though travel it I did with him until we should chance to see such things as should never be polaroided (and…
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And how was it? that God had seen fit to give such funny hands to the enemy. Heavy and strong, their pinch threatening, the boy recalled how the crab held them high. On hands and knees he took another careful peek under the tilted bucket to satisfy himsel
1719 0 0
I shall simply give you an account of the Devil's own attempts to thwart my godly work and the three forms in which he came unto me.
1897 1 1
He ignored his scalded scrotum and listened intently. The music was beautiful beyond all physical pleasure or pain. The end of the piece gave him a deeper understanding of the expression 'la petite mort'.
While he was still recovering, the next track b
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Oryn Zentharis accomplished many things in her life. She completed her greatest desires with a driving force and believed anything was possible.
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The bird sat down bringing its feathers closer to Alysia. She pressed her hands on the feathers and they felt like her pillows. Her ears rested on its breast and heard its heart beat.
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It was not until my twelfth birthday that I realised the face I saw in the mirror was not mine.