104 3 2
Desire, nervousness and your power, in even your slightest look, I find it so addicting, harboring transformative impossibilities.Is this, I wonder, all that can really happen — wishing, dreaming? Consuming, I can't leave or lose it, not knowing, can't stop thinking…
56 0 0
Between chapters, he trained my dog, Buster. He taught him to fetch bottle caps, roll over for no reason, and to play dead whenever someone raised their voice
38 0 0
Meagan rides the subway with perfect lips and deep thoughts, looking moody out the smudged window like an actress in a Sofia Coppola film.
18 0 0
I feel you in the shapeof certain keywords orsomething else building up inside me. Those are theones without needing words.I didn't choose what you do to me to happen.In this world there's more tearsthan I remember yousaying we deserve. Whydo all my sad songs…