4790 32 20
It’s never good to get arrested on an empty stomach.
1971 11 10
"I looked at this skinny, little female child, Meadow Simms. It wasn't only that she was small. Meadow Simms didn't look like other children. Her parents were hippies."
3015 21 15
I had time to kill. I got on the merry-go-round, letting it go slow, thinking of starting blocks, how I might push off them.
3756 35 20
Ok so oops. I messed that up. I made it sexual when it was sweet. Oops. I swear it was the beer. Ok I lie. I always lie.
2564 12 8
Such a curious smell in the air tonight: part skunk, part fire, part rubber of your tire, pulled liquid hot across that road.
2140 36 16
We sat under the broken umbrella, its flowered fabric hanging limp on one side. The rain fell softly at the edges of our backs. I kissed his hand, the one without fingers (not a casualty of his job, only of birth). My lips pressed what I couldn't say into his…
1453 6 5
Maybe he should have a schnauzer in the room. He could toss a ball and the dog would bring it to him. Again and again the dog would return the ball.
77 8 4
He had short dark hair, a black shirt and an accent.
1981 6 7
Her arm rests at her feet on the platform. She wears the remains of tiny leather boots. She is naked except for her boots. For a hundred years she wore a Russian dancer’s dress.
67 5 1
At least some restraint was necessary.
3038 14 12
...the job was easy, just pour and deliver, pour and deliver.
300 23 10
2172 4 3
What’s it like, sex? I ask her.
You see that picture? she asks, nodding to the large canvas covered with a film of dust propped up against her bedroom wall. That picture’s the only thing she never sold. She hocked it a few times but always got the
46 9 3
Because she is waiting, seated on my hotel bed, making comments about my sonic white toothbrush being a vibrator, telling me she’s bi, gorgeous with her poly-amorous discussion and long brown curling hair, with her fawn-like face and delicate breasts, w
1854 5 0
I realize most automatonical authors stick to non-fiction, but if my work bears any resemblance to real automatons or events, I assure you it is purely coincidental.