Stories tagged short-short

If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another

3030 views1010 comments11 fav

My friend says there's some kind of bug that bites its mate's head off after they have sex.

The Prize

8383 views33 comments00 favs

I was one hundred miles from home and buzzing on Old Style and MD20/20. It was my eleventh birthday.

That Baby

9797 views44 comments22 favs

The baby was normal when it came out. Daddy snipped the cord like nothing, the baby screaming silently till the nurse sucked out whatever bloodsnot was stuck in his throat, then there was no turning back, it was there, his voice, his mouth wide and wider, that baby was all…

Old Wounds

13591359 views2121 comments77 favs

We got married in a hospital. My bride had her appendix out the day before our wedding, so we decided to tie the knot in her room at Hoover Memorial.


13701370 views1515 comments55 favs

Quiet. You sit quiet as a mouse in the corner. Push a little doll around and hum la-la-la so they forget you’re there while they have the cocktail hour. That’s how you find out they’re killing Grandma.

Just Doin' Our Job

2828 views55 comments11 fav

Bert takes care of Number One. He's not interested in the birds of the air or the beasts of the field.

Watering the Plants

99 views00 comments00 favs

When the honeymoon was over, it was over. This was half a dozen years later. When we had tired of everything else, we tried watering the plants.

Three Micros

3939 views1616 comments33 favs

We waded in the creek at bottom of the canyon, and I showed her the ladybug tree, where in season the tiny creatures formed a coat inches thick on the tree trunk.

The Piss-Colored Man

14121412 views77 comments55 favs

His open door was interpreted by the neighbor as an invitation to all but place a mirror under his nose. She demanded opportunities to fluff his pillows and coerced him into accepting gifts of food, more than he could possibly eat, and sometimes ate with

A Little Peace

10611061 views99 comments33 favs

One night we were invited out for dinner, and we got into a knock-down, drag-out that afternoon. My wife got so angry I had to hold her down on the bed.


388388 views5252 comments1111 favs

“Probably a fungus”, his wife said, “perhaps you should wash there more often.”


15071507 views2727 comments1111 favs

As soon as she left, I sat down at the computer. Booted up. Read my e-mail, then looked at pictures of bare-naked ladies.


20162016 views4242 comments1919 favs

He was not supposed to leave handcuffs or a butt plug laying around.

The Darwin Awards

2929 views55 comments22 favs

Peter's first customer of the day was sent through the door marked with a D. He was a man from Detroit who got stuck and drowned in two feet of water after squeezing his head through a sewer grate to retrieve his car keys.

My Favorite Wedding

77 views00 comments00 favs

Then we put on our costumes. I was Adam, and she was Eve.