Stories tagged short-short


10381038 views00 comments00 favs

I'm in awe of her frankness, how she takes my breath away, how I wish to rush off with her to a splendid hideaway where only the two of us touch the grape-stained mountains and the cerulean sea, wild blades of grass quivering with the breeze. Sometimes th

Lisa Duncan's Mom

19481948 views1111 comments88 favs

Lisa Duncan's mom was puffy, and you could always see part of her breasts.

The Oddest Thing Ever Found in a Pocket

14151415 views88 comments22 favs

On an October day in 1909 Mrs. Prudence O'Kannady, industrious wife of Mr. Joseph Patrick O'Kannady of Corn Falls, Nebraska, discovered, while sorting clothing for the wash, in the pocket of a set of dungarees belonging to her youngest son Rufus, a tiny human head. When…

How This Works

3636 views00 comments00 favs

This man had a dog and his tail got run over by a car. Dog's tail, not the man's. Dog's tail is bent and fucked up and it's embarrassing. Man goes in, he gets a cleaver, he hacks the dog's tail off right there on the curb. Neighbor kid throws…

The Names of Things

25062506 views3232 comments1515 favs

She's having trouble remembering the names of things.

Beautiful Plague

12241224 views77 comments11 fav

Jacob Obrecht, you are beautiful. Everything inside your head and everything you’ve ever made is beautiful and singing.


11631163 views33 comments22 favs

The sand felt warm, the way it usually was on Saturday afternoons in Seaside Heights; face down on the beach under a hot July sun that burned my back and shoulders

Split the Hidden Hair

5555 views00 comments00 favs

he took me in his arms, and was about to take me… and daddy came around the corner yelling and screaming

Mountain Country

14631463 views66 comments22 favs

I’ve always missed the mountains, but I didn’t know it until I saw them.


4343 views00 comments00 favs

He watches the dogs and pigeons and the rats in the avocado trees. He watches the homeless men and the homeless ladies get together and shoot the shit. He watches the sunlight mop up all the shade from the trees...

Slut Whore

24122412 views1313 comments55 favs

Slut Whore has every Barbie on the market lined up sitting on the windowsill along her bedroom wall, and all their best clothes and accessories.

Just leave it and get out.

949949 views00 comments00 favs

The money stank on the table. Money is dirty she said, one of the dirtiest things. So many people touch it. This pile of brine would not explain its reek, only demanded that we accepted its stench as requisite. It had to have been the cash that stank, prior to its arrival…

The Dancing Bear

2727 views00 comments11 fav

Because the dog sleeps all day, she's awake all night, whining at both sides of their bed, high and plaintive, punctuated by the rolling of her ball and the clicking of her nails on the wooden floor. Sometimes the ball rolls under the radiator or the bureau or the bookcase…

The House-Sitter

2525 views11 comment11 fav

Men she walks by gesture at their crotches. “You want a piece o'that?” they ask. “No, not really,” she says. Lately though, she has been dreaming a lot about food. Doughnuts. Chocolates. Plates full of sugary treats.…


13571357 views11 comment11 fav

Not everybody sees Father. Not Mom, not Dad, not even my little brother, Andre, and he see lots of things. Me, I need to.