Stories tagged short-short

New World

17221722 views4141 comments99 favs


Free At Last

276276 views22 comments00 favs

And how was it? that God had seen fit to give such funny hands to the enemy. Heavy and strong, their pinch threatening, the boy recalled how the crab held them high. On hands and knees he took another careful peek under the tilted bucket to satisfy himsel

Dear England, Please Send Me A Redheaded Boy

13851385 views44 comments11 fav

Dear England, Please send me a redheaded boy, fire-red, please. We have one girl aflame but the others are stone yellow or dark as the sea. The flames are so easy to spot from afar.

Life, in a slowly roasted nutshell

10721072 views33 comments00 favs

You wake up. Slowly but surely. Okay, you're in the bookshop. Yes, apparently this is where you slept, on the floor, with absolutely no sense of irony, in the romantic fiction section...

The Philosophers' Problems

14511451 views66 comments44 favs

The day the thinking factory imploded everyone for miles knew there was a problem. The sound of the walls crumbling in upon themselves was heard for miles, or perhaps it wasn't.

Love Story, a Sequel

2020 views11 comment00 favs

He hid in parks and abandoned apartment houses until his wounds healed. He ate nuts, berries, and seeds. A shy, gentle soul, he watched children playing on the monkey bars, and thought of his lost youth.


3737 views99 comments44 favs

I sat at the back of the room, leaning forward, and staring at the carpet as the boss man talked. He told us that thirty-four out of thirty-five alcoholics die drunk. I watched the spiders on the floor--big ones, next to my feet. I sat up and looked…

A Regrettable Incident

1313 views00 comments00 favs

The kitten shows up one morning. When my wife opens the door, he waltzes right in. "Hiya," he says. "Whatcha got to eat?" Then we spot another one. A bit on the shy side. Takes us a while to catch her and bring her into the…

The Flat Monkey

310310 views44 comments22 favs

Not with words I think, rather, the following story was in a way breathed upon me. I do recall it being a hot summer night and feeling exhausted and under Caitlin's gaze. She was speaking to me, yes, but if I gave reply it had to be of the most perfunctor

The Driver's Seat

2323 views11 comment11 fav

The salesman had a brand new car. It was a Dodge. Dark green and shiny. The boy saw him cruising main street, then parking in front of the pool hall. The boy stood outside on the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, his cap pulled low over his…

Stream of Unconsciousness

20602060 views77 comments44 favs

In his dream, he was choking on an ice cube. He didn’t know what would happen first — if it would melt or he would die.

It Goes Without Saying

1515 views00 comments00 favs

She told her husband that he would be the death of her, and he was. She had a stroke. I saw her in the hospital, and I told my wife later that I hoped they would pull the plug. I didn't recognize her. Her skin was the color of a weathered fence. She

She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories

5555 views77 comments44 favs

She Makes Her Mouth Small and Round I am in love with Betty, who works in National. I work in Retail, so I am not worthy, but I dream nevertheless. I sneak looks at her in the cafeteria where she sits with the other girls and makes her…

Good Night, Mrs. Calabash

3434 views22 comments11 fav

You'd never guess that my wife was born in Las Vegas. She was a sentimental, dark-haired, brown-eyed beauty with a dainty manner. She had a coarse streak, but it seldom showed. Her sister had it, too--in spades. Her sister was a foul-mouthed…

Minnesota Menage

24682468 views2828 comments1010 favs

I talk to her, whispering endearments and flattery. I tell her how incredible it feels to be between her legs.