Stories tagged short-short


12131213 views44 comments11 fav

Richard bounds up the stairs to his apartment. He can’t wait to get home to his new kitty. He found the poor cat right outside of his building just a few days ago, and already they’ve become fast friends.

Bumble Bee

15211521 views44 comments11 fav

This bumble-bee been following me around all day. Ever since I woke up, it's been with me. I just now smacked it to the ground and then it crawled on my bag and flew up to me again, zooming all around me; it's frightening me, a little. Bee…

The serious writer and his social life

6868 views1010 comments33 favs

The serious writer lifts his ideas like limp lychees from anywhere and anyone.

Process and Procedure

12371237 views44 comments44 favs

“I changed religions for that baby.”


5555 views22 comments00 favs

I will do all I can to save what was left of my sanity. By severing my left arm, I gave myself a fighting chance. It was all worth it to tell you my account.

Planet Crabby

26582658 views77 comments44 favs

On Planet Crabby a boy met a girl and a girl met a boy but neither couple got anywhere because they dismissed their prospective partner as just plain too crabby. Alternative arrangements were unthinkable. This happened a number of times.

An Argonaut Ethos

12871287 views77 comments33 favs

My daddy made all these gold records on the walls, died, and left me to run BadSmack Media, even if I could only manage to run it aground.

To My Children, With Apologies

989989 views22 comments00 favs

My apologies also for those crowded roads you and your families have to drive on. My generation would have built more public transportation but, in all honesty, we just didn't give a damn.


15561556 views22 comments33 favs

The reaction had started, the hives and respiratory swelling. Maddy huffed for air, each inhalation rattling her throat louder, more hoarse.

One Bag of Popcorn

12071207 views99 comments22 favs

“Dad’s a dick,” my sister said. I nodded. He threw $20 on the candy counter for one small bag of popcorn and told the girl to keep the change.

Having the Boys to Tea

11531153 views11 comment00 favs

And my word! Wouldn’t you know it, in two shakes of a jiffy they have shucked off all their clothes and are butt naked right here in my den. I don’t have to wonder what Mother would say if she could see them here. “Keep the noise down, boys!” I ha

Hitler's Angel (A Meta Christmas Carol)

18381838 views77 comments33 favs

Christmas is here and there's work to do.

A Christmas Spaghetti

252252 views44 comments11 fav

"Hmm. What did you call these again?" Reaching into the musty, wrinkled, cardboard box he pulled out a sample. Tiny Christmas lights on green cord with crumpled strands of interspersed silver tinsel hung like so much seaweed from his hand. "Fairy-

Petty Injuries

22062206 views2222 comments1111 favs

Fault and blame can be forgotten after three steep flights of stairs. Pregnant-lady-take-the-elevator kind of steep. I-said-elevator, holy-shit-she’s-falling kind of steep. A-faked-relief-when-the-child-is-born, but-born-special kind of steep.

5” X 6” In A Sturdy Frame

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The first morning we met—I remember the rain, soft the way I like it—was a series she later attributed as a fourteen-frame sunrise.