Stories tagged short-short

Out of Uniform

11921192 views44 comments55 favs

Between the wars, I hung around in an air-conditioned room. It was tiny, and I was shoved to the back, but after living outside on another man's back for months of bullets and bombs, I welcomed the stuffiness. White paint kept close walls from reminding me of the trenches'…


10381038 views11 comment22 favs

If it weren't for the different lengths of dock, I would think the river just goes past me. Maybe it does, and the banks move too. Orderly where the clouds are random. I have cormorants, passengers, and salmon. They catch each other. They make my crew money. When did my…


12381238 views66 comments33 favs

I am at a wedding with a new girlfriend. The bride is her old college roommate. I don't really know anyone else here. The wedding is being held at a huge estate, located on the edge of enormous cliffs that overlook the ocean. Despite the danger of this precarious…

night vision (04:20)

128128 views00 comments00 favs

The commander removes his goggles (his eyes twitch and burn) but the dunes, enemy tank tracks, and full moon still glow a phosphorous green.

Icebreaker (second draft)

5959 views00 comments00 favs

A short play based on college life.

81/2 Characters

1414 views00 comments00 favs

Memoir: 8 1/2 characters with dissociative-identity-disorder.

Alternate Tale

977977 views22 comments22 favs

Suppose Eve, strolling through the sunlit Garden, had not stumbled on that particular Tree at all, the wily serpent twined in its lower branches?

The Lovers

13861386 views1414 comments77 favs

I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY TO YOU, she lisps, and, with this, the fissure in the man’s head reaches the bottom of his chin and the hollow head splits in two.

The Party

11631163 views33 comments33 favs

Mike poured vermouth over his Campari and ice. “Gotta say, you have the most amazing view up here.” “Thanks. It's great when I'm washing dishes.” “Yeah, and the view in your front room isn't bad either. This cocktail …

Palm-Sized Woman

374374 views77 comments66 favs

We saw a sign advertising a palm-sized woman. I suggested we have a look. It didn't occur to me we were paying a dollar each to see a midget. I don't think you realized it either.

Among the Orangutans

404404 views44 comments44 favs

Adele was beautiful and Frank plain, but she let him make love to her anyway. However, the next morning, Frank saw, to his disgust, that her fine red-blond hair also tapered to a long downy beard.

The Highwayman

10621062 views55 comments44 favs

Aubrey pulled close the wool cloak that used to belong to a pilgrim and wondered if some of that saintliness and pardon might rub off. The mail was late and the bushes damp, but at least years of living in the woods had taught Aubrey to avoid thorns…

Hot Dog Hot Dog

11571157 views44 comments44 favs

A man on the sidewalk dressed as a hot dog hits a triangle dinner bell with a clang and yells for everyone to come and eat at Hot Dog Hot Dog. We were feeling more like fish and chips or spicy pulled pork, but there's something about how…


932932 views1414 comments88 favs

am i a coin

Instructions for Opening a Document Found in a Black Cabinet

10531053 views77 comments22 favs

When the black cloth falls on you all food tastes like airline food. Every song sounds like Barry Manilow. Every poem sounds like Rod McKuen. It’s all just noise to you now.