Stories tagged short-short

Dog Park

15801580 views2323 comments1313 favs

We met an old friend and his old dog. We went off leash on the lush Buffalo grass. He and I—this old friend, I mean—talked mostly of divorce, something we shared between us.

Never Mind the Dream

14621462 views77 comments33 favs

Turns out the psych wing in prison is no place to raise a baby.

You Don't Know Me

4646 views44 comments00 favs

“What would you have us do?” the officer asked. “We came to the door; we peered into the window; we saw a human head roll over these concrete floors.”

The Little Room Where We'd Fit

11431143 views2727 comments88 favs

She asked if I needed to be measured for size “to make sure they feel really good on you,” her lips all gloss and smile. I was nineteen and knew my size but changes in weight had caused fluctuations before so maybe I'd be different…

to you, three

141141 views22 comments11 fav

the things falling from the sky were too large for the word things, but i don't know what they were. no one knew what they were.


6565 views1111 comments55 favs

Effluvium is such a lovely word so hey surprise to find it covers rancid butter, vomit, fertile gingko fruit trekked in from the pavement, the tree brought first to Philly and admired for its toughness.

Dead Dog Rising

16651665 views2121 comments1515 favs

The dog is there, on sorry legs, with sorry claws. He looks toward the man, the bat, and says, You know me, Man. I know you know me.


13401340 views99 comments66 favs

he’s recognizable in the earliest images of misery: a hand shoving a young gladiator before the lion; the fire devouring a witch in Salem. And here he is. Again.

Blind Melon No Rain

286286 views11 comment11 fav

He was making the beer without me. We were supposed to be getting ready for a Halloween party. I'd spent the entire weekend fidgeting with my…

They Come To Me At Night

12061206 views1111 comments44 favs

I have an appointment set for the day after next; you said you thought you might be firing blanks and then I feel a kick into my chest—two kicks, three, seven at least—my cat is going crazy at the stinky tom outside the window and the birds are waking, sc

If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another

12691269 views1313 comments1313 favs

My friend says there's some kind of bug that bites its mate's head off after they have sex.

Is That You, Bugs?

11901190 views1212 comments1010 favs

Poor kid. She didn't mean to leave my business card on her kitchen counter next to the telephone. It was a mistake.


16161616 views2020 comments1616 favs

We borrow a flag from a neighbor. It’s sitting on top of the TV in the den. We haven’t figured out where to display it yet.

19__, What I Wanted

15851585 views1717 comments1111 favs

A snap.


811811 views00 comments00 favs

Brenda sits in a room full of people who have simultaneously forgotten what it was they wanted to say.