19__, What I Wanted
by Catherine Davis
(Are you crazy? I am so not filling that blank. A time honored Russian trope, just read Crime and Punishment. Am I Russian? This is beside the point.)
In 19__, I wanted things to fit. I needed, was desperate, to see how things aligned. Related. Alone in the guestroom, with my mother's sewing box, I'd never had such leisure to explore. My parents were having drinks in the living room with my aunt and uncle.
Spools upon spools of thread, thimbles, bobbins. Sharp needles. Rick-rack, pinking sheers. Colorful coat buttons on cards, tiny four-holed mother-of-pearl buttons. Jars of assorted buttons, like candy. But what got me this night was the snaps.
Shiny steel snaps, in a circle on their card. These were a secret thing, unlike showy buttons, not meant to show. I slid my thumbnails under each half, to release a single one. Ah! Snap, unsnap. Snap, unsnap. Snap.
This could have gone on forever, alas. But before returning it to the card, linger a moment. Such perfection. What is it like? Matches, aligns with what?
Ohhh: my own nostril.
So certain, I hardly needed to prove. Still, with a thrust of the forefinger, up it went. Voila, giddy with my own brilliance. And it fit so perfectly that it wouldn't come back out. A single finger pushed it further up. Two fingers didn't fit.
That snap had to be surgically removed. Right there in the living room, by my uncle, the surgeon. Tragically, no one ever praised me for my discovery.

I like this form. Good voice. Especially like the closing.
Love this!
Ah, the confusing dangers of childhood curiosity.
Really like this. (Just wonder, would it really take surgery to remove, rather than a doctor with tweezers?)
You've graphically shown the character's age at wanting things to fit, date numbers are relatively unimportant. Good writing. I enjoyed reading.
This lovely story has two surfaces: the side you see, the side you don't see. I was transfixed by all the sewing doo-dads, and her alone in the guest room, back there, why?
Terrific story!
I love how you pulled me in with time honored russian trope and not telling the year. And then moving into this childhood adventure of love for strange objects! Although, I still have a fondness for snaps! Great story!
This is a good, funny memory of one of the many perils of childhood. I kind of wish I still found buttons and snaps so fascinating...
Enjoyable read!
I like how this meanders and goes its nice merry way like a tale. Very deft. *
Gosh-wow! Thank you wonderful writers for all this good cheer on my little snap story. Yes, sewing things can be dear to the heart. And still I can't pass a stray button without collecting it. Much appreciation to you all.
Thank you, Susan, for conceiving this group. I have to get busy - so much has - ta da! – suddenly appeared here. a testament to the appeal of your brain-child!
I love the way the author takes us on this delightful romp. Fav!
"Ah! Snap, unsnap. Snap, unsnap. Snap." At this point, I had no idea where this romp was going, but I loved every minute of the ride. *
I stuck a bead up my nose once.
And for this bond that we have, you get a big, fat favorite.
Jack, Kim, and Erin - very happy to have you along for the ride. Thank you for reading, your comments and *s!
OMG -I'm flashing back to all the times my nephew got his head stuck between the railings of the banister.
I enjoyed this, Catherine.
why is it always up the nose?
up the nose it goes..
very russian from the beginning. loved it.