Yeah yeah. A book, someday. Lit mags: See for good mags and a god fit. Or read Mel Bosworth's blog (eddiesocko.blogspot something something. Good ideas for lit mags.
Oh that. Carapace. I've submitted it to a lit mag, so it is hidden until the verdict. On account of "no published work" rules. You never know when someone will consider this publication. So you'll just have to wait :)
The 'Second Tongue' group doesn't encourage but permits tattoos of all shapes on any body part as long as they support the group covenant and reflect globalisation and multilinguality. we might even add branding to our initiation rituals.
hey christopher - no, you certainly qualify since you can spell "deutsch" flawlessly. also, we need more 'emotional nudists' in that group ... cheers flawnt
Thanks. I'm mostly evil, but it's nice someone can still see the good in me. Maybe this experience will help me purge my way to peace, harmony and better writing skills. Time will tell.
The 'sipped like soup' piece is back up. Carapace. Hooray.
Thank you so much for faving "Origin"!
You are most welcome, Chris. That's a great story.
"i write, therefore i mumble" comes to mind, or perhaps "i wrt thrfr i mble" in tweetish.
good, glib man. though you may consider a title change to "i got a star from finnegan flawnt, too" since i like, yes, i like giving stars.
Yeah yeah. A book, someday. Lit mags: See for good mags and a god fit. Or read Mel Bosworth's blog (eddiesocko.blogspot something something. Good ideas for lit mags.
Oh that. Carapace. I've submitted it to a lit mag, so it is hidden until the verdict. On account of "no published work" rules. You never know when someone will consider this publication. So you'll just have to wait :)
The 'Second Tongue' group doesn't encourage but permits tattoos of all shapes on any body part as long as they support the group covenant and reflect globalisation and multilinguality. we might even add branding to our initiation rituals.
hey christopher - no, you certainly qualify since you can spell "deutsch" flawlessly. also, we need more 'emotional nudists' in that group ... cheers flawnt
Thanks for the shout out for Aching Hours. Really made my day (that and the fact that the snow storm seems to have missed me).
All the best,
Oh, T. Very much T. Embellished, naturally.
Thanks for all your pretty words!
hi christopher. your name is just too german for you not to want to be in the "second tongue" group on fnaut, wherever you come from. welcome!
Thanks. I'm mostly evil, but it's nice someone can still see the good in me. Maybe this experience will help me purge my way to peace, harmony and better writing skills. Time will tell.
Katrina knows all the good people. Welcome.