Winnie Khaw

Occupation graduate student
IM (GTalk) winnie.khaw89

About Me

I am attending the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire as an English graduate student.

Why do you write?

My reading of history and literature and some philosophy fuels my attempts at creativity. :)

Any favorite authors? Books?

I like Will Durant and William Manchester as Ruropean history authors.

I enjoy European and Asian literature such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Ivanhoe, Dream of Red Chamber, Paradise Lost, et cetera.

Winnie Khaw's Wall

Steven J. Kolbe – Nov 11, 2015

Thanks for joining the memoir group! Feel free to add some of your previous pieces.

Jon Davies – Dec 12, 2009

Thanks for the comment on HT Make a Baby. I see you deal with warring body parts as well . . . or at least hands.

Finnegan Flawnt – Dec 06, 2009

welcome! i liked your INK DARKLY THE PAINTED SEASONS very much - it's a wondrous piece. hope you enjoy fictionaut. more screen/plays! -flawnt

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