Stories tagged family

Go to Jesus

588588 views33 comments11 fav

The drive back to Murphysburg that winter looked different. Trees bowed down to the road, their limbs made heavy by a glistening coat of ice so thorough that every crevice and bump on the trees was laminated with the freeze. The earth had taken on a damp

Sweet Baby James

545545 views22 comments22 favs

I am Batman, Jimmy said. Even superheroes have to eat, his mother said. To grow up big and strong? Jimmy asked. That’s how they do it, his mother said.

GoodFather's Notes

6868 views44 comments00 favs

Yet there are still those people who form energetic interventions to save the powerless, the wretched ones who are patently alive, and by that measure…barely visible. Our small saviors pay a large price...


3030 views1010 comments44 favs

My son is on the field. My son is throwing a ball. My son is throwing a ball into a mitt. My husband is recording the number of times the ball is thrown. My husband is making little pie shapes in his book. He is making little marks.

iterations of my brother

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In my dream, his head is pricked with needles as in the practice of acupuncture. I ask him how he is doing, what death is like. He tells me it is terrible. He cries. I wake and I am not comforted.

grooming wolves, indigestible girls

2323 views1111 comments22 favs

In all the nights before I became a woman, a beast lay at my feet, pursuing some aspect of my flesh, his furred back reeking of fires and stagnant pools.

Knocking off the edges

951951 views22 comments11 fav

The chipping sound started around the time Susannah reached puberty. Not all at once, it was just now and then at first.“What's that noise?” she'd say, and everyone would cock their heads to listen. Her mother eventually took her to the doctor. He said it…


11811181 views55 comments44 favs

You can’t take a chandelier on an emergency dash across a nuclear desert.

The Road Trip Trilogy

10721072 views00 comments00 favs

...It's my advice that this Fourth of July the Office of Homeland Security post the following instructions on your web site — people should act like my dog Lucy and just stay inside under the bed and tremble...


107107 views1919 comments1515 favs

i found bison, ostrich and deer on my plate tonight.

Family Circle

10051005 views77 comments33 favs

the far-flung Turner boys and their broods descended upon Pemberton like locusts

white church

8585 views1515 comments1111 favs

Politically, legally, physically, we're all shit out of luck.


10491049 views11 comment11 fav

No, I’m not at the junior high bus stop. I’m at the dining room table with my parents.

The Colour of Love

14351435 views1111 comments22 favs

I carried him home, all blood and brains, and set him in the ground. Is that love, George?

Minor Damage (Part I)

550550 views1414 comments77 favs

Mommy Nate is yelling. An ember pops onto his booklet and burns black holes in the blue and yellow pages. Carla turns and knocks the paint thinner onto the floor. Thin rivulets of fire run across the rug, up to the couch where Petey is napping and around