Arrowwood Station.
The next stop is Arrowwood Station.
Glottal stops and diphthongs
glide in Portuguese
across my ears.
Brazilian girls yammer
with their book bags
up against my leg.
East/West Boulevard Station.
The next stop is East/West Boulevard Station.
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This is from a series of "train poems" I wrote while riding on the light rail. This piece was featured in Right Hand Pointing Issue 30.
I like train writing.
I like the imagery here, Michael - "Brazilian girls yammer /with their book bags". Enjoyed.
Thanks Frankie - I could ride all day as the people watching is the best - all leading to grand story potential
@Sam - Portuguese is so easy on the ear and these girls were equally easy on the eye..
Like the middle lines with the sounds and images framed by the calls for the next station. *
You've successfully brought movement and sound in here, Michael. So well done.
@Christian Thx for reading CB
@Susan always a sensual feast on the train - glad it came out here
As a former trainrider, I can relate to this one, although I had mostly NYers in close proximity! Nicely told in a pared down poem! *
wonderful, how this rolled over my tongue and into my ear. smelled brazilian rosewood as i read it. perhaps submit to <a href="">train write</a>?
Thanks Marcus for referring me to train write