by Carl Santoro
I will die in Paris on a rainy day.
It will be a Thursday.
Our glasses of red wine
will stand upright
and wait stupidly
for us to finish the remaining
two separate puddles.
We laid back on top of the duvet.
We held hands.
We kissed. We cried. We smiled.
We stared into eyes that seemed to want Friday
but knew that would be out of the question.
You will die in Paris this rainy day.
You agreed years ago for it all.
And now the rain sounds like soft falling snow.
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Note: The first two lines are from Cesar Vallejo’s “Black Stone Lying on a
White Stone”. They were given to me to begin a poem as an exercise in a Creative Writing Workshop many years ago.
Suicide pacts are tragic and an all-consuming fire. Like these kids are so crazy in love, they don't know any way out of it. The crazy. The love.
Great thoughtful writing.
Hi Harley May! Thank you for your input. Your short, "What I Should Have Said" has a remarkable likeness to the short story I have posted that I am trying to complete. If you are inspired to dive in, I'd love to get your sense of my Chapter One. It is called, BLOCKED.
nice write. I remembered the poem. Vallejo is one of my favorite poets. Nice.
Damion, this poem resonates with me. I have often thought of the super-saturation of information, e.g. images, audio, text, light (I'm a photographer),etc. I even consider sitting at a traffic light and trying to see across the street very nerve-racking as too many cars and trucks wiz by and blur the opposite landscape. We'll never finish processing all that we take in. We will forever be "buffering", and you know how anxious THAT can be!
Say, if you get a chance, I'd love your perspective on my Chapter One for the story I've started called, BLOCKED. Take care my friend, glad you liked my short poem titled "Thursday". Later-
Sweet Fave. Nuff said.
I love "Civilization", "don't order girl drinks." You have a funny, wry, sense of humor. I thank you for your visit to "Thursday". Can you tell me how to add a photo to a story? I posed the question in the forum, but have not received a response. I have tried copy/paste but I get a broken graphic. Maybe it is the browser? Thanks again Steven. Later-
Do a quick search for html code for images and how to use. You'll get the hang of it after a few tries. If you have trouble, scroll backwards through the forum, there are several posts, with answers, about this very same thing.
(that's Google search...)
Thanks for the speedy and informative reply Matt!