by Carl Santoro
Saber-toothed tigers stared
into the darkness.
The night had a new sound.
Overhead, curious
Pterodactyls circled,
searching tree tops.
Females smiled,
rocking babies
to sleep in caves
filled with
echoing notes.
The sound made
every living thing
want to be
near the source.
In the morning,
hunters squatted,
to rest their spears
and listen.
Others climbed
trees for a
hopeful sighting.
The lone player
strained to
give words to
the notes.
As thunder rolled in
the player tried
loud chords.
Out on the savannah,
the rain extinguished
the player's fire.
Finding a cold cave,
wood would be needed to
make fire
sing warmth.
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I like the sentiment expressed here. "The night had a new sound."*
Evocative. "The sound made/every living thing/want to be/near the source.
Embracing glimpse of an evolutionary milestone. *
Kubrick may come back to direct.
Make fire, sing warmth.
Warms the cockells of the heart. *
I'm playing with ya, baby!*
Thanks for mentioning this, Carl.*