A Quantum of Disappointment
by Gary Hardaway
Reality winks at us then scampers off
to hide in another dark corner of our
equations. Our measurements once again
are off and we must burrow on, chasing
what sense and sensibility can't
or just won't see smudged as it is
with oh so many human fingerprints.
"oh so many human fingerprints"
How disappointing. *
Reality is smudged, but even more so, religion is smudged with human fingerprints. I think you just gave me a whole lecture topic for my next world history tutorial!
Wonderful poem. So much truth packed into a tight space. *
Reality does get a lot of practice. I like.
Thank you, Amanda,
Sam, Gita, Matt, Rachna,
Loren, and James.
Thank you, Gary.
*,,Gary. Reality is slippery at times.
Thank you, David.
I agree with Gita. This is a sharp insight. *
Thank you, Larry.
Thank you, Emily.
Nice, wry & a tight 7 lines.
Or is this really about not disappointment but uncertainty. My writerly self always wants to take the universal and monumental and apply it to something small in my own life, like Barthelme's "The Balloon," but I think this subject would really do that well.