Interested in you posting 'Teeth' a story you feel is just at the beginning of it being a story. I'm not sure I'd have the confidence to post up an 'incomplete'. I am also not sure I'd have the patience to go back and re-do once I'd 'put it out there'.
I'm wondering if you have a reason for doing this or whether you have done this before --- and if you felt it helped you as a writer?
Hi Madga,
Re: Cuffed - I don't think it is a bad thing that the piece made you laugh. I did not automatically dislike the character of Ko and the slapstick actions he does, in my head, were pretty comical too. Dark humour is underrated.
Mishima was a genius, troubled, yes, but few geniuses live in a trouble free world.
Magda, Thank you for commenting on A Staple Diet. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much for your funny comment on Mother's Day. Yes, those ubiquitous refrigerator magnets.
Interested in you posting 'Teeth' a story you feel is just at the beginning of it being a story. I'm not sure I'd have the confidence to post up an 'incomplete'. I am also not sure I'd have the patience to go back and re-do once I'd 'put it out there'.
I'm wondering if you have a reason for doing this or whether you have done this before --- and if you felt it helped you as a writer?
Hi Magda, Thank you so much for your comment on Voices From a Playground, and for the fave. It is greatly appreciated.
Hi Madga,
Re: Cuffed - I don't think it is a bad thing that the piece made you laugh. I did not automatically dislike the character of Ko and the slapstick actions he does, in my head, were pretty comical too. Dark humour is underrated.
Thanks so much for your kind words about Stuck Shut. "Sad passivity" - yes, that's it exactly. Looking forward to getting to know your work.
Thanks for your comments on Black & White/ Color, Magda. I really appreciate them!
Hi Magda. So glad you are here!