by Penny Goring
you were in a wheelchair in a courtroom
juddering vibrating
pipes rattling so loud
empty pipes rattling with passion
they threw you into my cell
to teach all madness a lesson
irate and shaking you were shouting
with passion
your wheelchair could not contain you
i took you down longhand
on the table over there
i took you into my arms
we fled down corridors with a posse of escapees
we unlocked gates and got gone
sane relaxed women
with bleach-nurtured quiffs
were urging each other to save me
from the hell bent cripple behind me
crying out he'd been abused
i would rather
take under-age swamp boys
those teens tortured by their own eyes
i could make swamp boys believe
under dust-sheets stiffened by ice
i could make sweet smells with
my lunatic fingers
and i will
until i reach the melting ice-rink
filthy slush shovelled by you
i believe only in swamp boys
i believe in my sense of smell
i trust in the grief of the night
became a rattle in the 2
empty pipes in my cell
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168 words
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i've been reading Our Lady of the Flowers by Jean Genet.
For Temp.
This story has no tags.
Wildly good lines, add up to real scenery. *
Is that you kicking me behind my eyeballs? I think it is. Keep on kicking.
I love this piece; the only thing that I got distracted by were the lines in all caps. Flawless, otherwise.
Vivid work as always.
Nicely done, Penny. Are your selection for reading is a great choice.
Jean Genet is a fave of mine. This is quite good, Penny.
I love what you've done with this! *
An amazing piece, Penny! So visceral! Also a huge Genet fan.
Passionate, wild ride.
Oh, wow, absolutely beautiful. That ending in particular was incredibly strong. I love this.
Very good, Penny. Very enjoyable. The writing is so strong.
Extraordinary. Genet would have loved this.
Wonderful, strong, emotional,creative stuff!
Excellent colors and a superb piece of writing.
Wunnerful, wunnerful! And you deserve an Olympic gold medal for the title.
Economical and well-crafted. Brava!
"we unlocked gates and got gone" = amazing *
With passion: *.
A good one. Felt like a wheelchair ride down a staircase.