The Canoeist's Luncheon. Renoir

by Jerry Ratch


The artist leans back in his chair, smoking a cigarette

after lunch, looking away from the table toward the right

He is dressed in white, and he's practically stretched out

his entire length, to relax after rowing the boat all

morning. Sunlight filters through the trellis of leaves

above, and the trellis of the pavilion, speckled with red

flowers around them. Perhaps nasturtiums

He holds his cigarette in the air, with his elbow on the

table, his other arm spread out over the back of the chair

We see the back of a woman seated at the table, dressed in

dark blue, and the bearded face of another friend, with a

mild, pleased expression, whose yellow shirt and coat are

saturated with the diffuse yellow light, filtering through

Behind this the river, a few boats

Another crew rowing. A woman out there too

As in a Japanese print, partly seen through the

criss-crossed lattice-work of the pavilion

The Canoeists' Luncheon by Pierre-Auguste Renoir


