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The Love Story of Me (non-fiction and should be disqualified)

22432243 views88 comments77 favs

To find myself in a straight relationship which challenges my communications skills and tries my patience while improving my status among my peers and family.

Mirror Mirror

22422242 views11 comment22 favs

At night I go into the forest to look for her, to strangle her snow white neck with her own dark hair. She is seven and soon to be married. I am brier hearted. I am old.

The Defective Detective : The Curious Case of the Kilchester Courier

22412241 views00 comments00 favs

In which Clint is sucked into a remarkably civilised but mildly deranged crime scene. There he encounters almost-blackmail, not-actually prostitution, probable-sex scandals, genuine-imposters & the very real theft of something incredibly important. Twice.

Dorothy's Parker House Rolls: A Jazz Age Recipe

22412241 views1717 comments1414 favs

INGREDIENTS --A messy divorce. --A late spring night in Boston. DIRECTIONS 1. First, let's agree to call them "Pahkah House Rolls," for the Pahkah House is a luxury Boston hotel. (We'll be returning to New York on the morning train.)


22392239 views77 comments22 favs

I was seeking punishment so I put my lips around a bright green persimmon and bit down, the bitterness of its flesh overcame me...

Chinese Apples

22372237 views77 comments99 favs

Mother still calls pomegranates “Chinese apples,” much to my embarrassment.

A Night of Not Knowing

22352235 views3939 comments2626 favs

I lie here sleepless and wait for the moment when I will touch...

Playboy Bunny

22342234 views1313 comments1010 favs

"Hannah," I say, "stay off the road, let me do the hitchhiking. Ok? Guys see your tits and it's over. I don't want to be here when the sun goes down."

Wipe Your Feet at the Door of Sex

22342234 views44 comments33 favs

Jackson ran his sweaty hands over his vintage cowboy shirt hoping testosterone would iron it.

Snow Bird

22322232 views00 comments00 favs

Snow Bird Then Bess was officially a Snow Bird. She was on the waiting list to become a permanent resident at the camp as soon as the expansion they were planning was completed. But it was being held up by some county people who were doing every

7 or 8 Things I Know About Him - A Stolen Biography

22312231 views22 comments22 favs

Wonderful When his mother was a little girl, her father would braid her hair until it was exactly right. When she asked him how it looked, he always said,…


22302230 views3535 comments1616 favs

The tubing unwound in her hands, unreeling like a garden hose... it wasn't always that easy...


22282228 views2121 comments1111 favs

12. Paper Wings (Gillian Welch) This one's really depressing. Maybe you shouldn't listen to it so much.

An Irish Seder

22242224 views1919 comments1010 favs

The promise of free food and drink was too much to pass up since I hadn't played a gig in months and was living on peanut butter and celery. When Kelly called I was too hungry and thirsty for drink to turn him down.

Seal Skin

22232223 views1515 comments66 favs

I had told myself that I would not cry. That I would hold on to my anger so tightly, there would be no space for pity.

The Color of Pebbles

22192219 views2929 comments1111 favs

...her touch held such wisdom that it put babies to sleep...

Peggy Guggenheim Visits Picasso's Bathroom

22172217 views1515 comments88 favs

The goddamn artist. This was her fourth inquiry, first visit. Her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned against the cold porcelain.

A Fate Worse than Death

22152215 views44 comments33 favs

The abandoned body got up and left the room. It was just in time to greet his wife and daughter, who were just coming in the front door.


22142214 views1717 comments66 favs

Red is a boy...

The Birds

22132213 views3232 comments1919 favs

My wife goes away for a few days to the little town where Hitchcock filmed The Birds. Her sister goes along. When she comes back, I ask her if she had a good time, and she says no.


22132213 views1717 comments1111 favs

She is cutting his hair. The wind is in her curls. She rises and falls like a sleeping animal. He has removed his shirt. There is a towel around his neck, the smell of spice and banana, the scent of vacations. You are reminded of the time in the beach house in Florida…

Oh, Fish Eggs!

22112211 views3030 comments1111 favs

A motivational speaker I know intimately cannot abide any form of swearing.

Le Sucre Brun

22112211 views6363 comments2727 favs

The commandant pried her lids open with steely thumbs.

Blossoms and Buds

22112211 views2525 comments1414 favs

not enough of us / destroy / what we create


22112211 views5454 comments2121 favs

"You are not a vintage radio. Not even close."

Myrtle Beach Daze

22102210 views44 comments33 favs

He started plucking at my back like it was a banjo. Lucky for me, he was no Earl Scruggs. My virtue was safe with my Earl. We would have been there until the Second Coming, my bra still safely fastened, if I'd have stuck around.

WπHπAπT 2

22092209 views5656 comments77 favs

WπHπAπT with its pi signs denotes the way the inquiry felt and follows in strategy those inventors in language I estimate highly.

Three Examples Of Male Arousal Without Desire For Intercourse

22092209 views22 comments33 favs

Suddenly it’s as though a wild creature has swung in from a tree through an open skylight. Everyone in the place recoils and looks around to see if there might be others like her. But it’s just her.

The Right Thing

22052205 views99 comments1111 favs

His feet are the size of thumbs, the segments of his toes no larger than grains of rice.


22052205 views3737 comments1919 favs

It had been so long since the telephone had rung, he’d forgotten the sound.