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If You See God, Don't Tell Him

24692469 views1616 comments1515 favs

A wrinkled old woman sat at the table next to me. “Are you a writer?” she asked. “Yes, I am.” “Are you Jewish?” “No, I’m not,” I replied. “Where do you come from?” she asked in her broken English. “Chicago,” I said. “The Bohemian ghetto there, o


22752275 views4141 comments2727 favs

In the present moment, she is there for you. Faithful.

The Look

19921992 views3939 comments2929 favs

He looks in silence and he looks with longing.


20312031 views5353 comments2525 favs

The Trinity boys don’t blame me at all. They know I am not stupid about the world. I am a robust girl. Nevertheless, like everyone else I have limits. I am a clock that winds down.


23002300 views5050 comments2121 favs

She was a big woman, a massive, misshapen tree of a woman, wrapped in a rain-coat the size of a tent. She wore a cap on her head, its beak peeking out, drops of rain slipping of its edge like so many pieces of transparent candy.

Men Don't Leave Me

39763976 views3131 comments1818 favs

He didn’t hug me. He didn’t hug any of us. Instead, he shook my hand, his grip so firm I felt the bones of my hands crumbling in on themselves.

One Dead in Violent Crash

16251625 views2323 comments1717 favs

Death came to my street, but I did not invite him.

The Day The Music Died

21252125 views1111 comments99 favs

I heard an old Stevie Ray Vaughn tune this morning. It triggered a flash back. It’s funny how just a few notes of a song can slam me right into a memory. A total and complete immersion. Sights. Sounds. Smells. The people. The place. The weather. Wha


19831983 views2121 comments2121 favs

"... you shake your head and look down as if I am a mongrel dog who has pissed the Tabriz..."

Unpacking Sentences

31653165 views5555 comments2626 favs

This is what I do for a living: I unpack sentences.

So I Wrote Thirty Poems in Thirty Days And I'm Still Not Sure If I Learned Anything Except How To Write Really Goddamn Fast

22682268 views3333 comments1919 favs

be accepted be accepted

I’m Waiting

25612561 views3636 comments2626 favs

All carcinoma/ would be hors d’oeuvres/ for its dark appetite.

Cow Juice

22042204 views2121 comments2121 favs

Theresa stopped speaking to me because I ate cows. This made things simple. There was no conversation.

Unmailed Letter to B'go

31443144 views4141 comments2323 favs

I really detest dating that leads to sex=ownership or to the expectation of it. The men are so quietly demanding, authoritarian, pushy. Who are these nice fuckers? Strays a'hounding. I want to tell them: I have friends, real friends with art agendas.

Coping Stones

34633463 views1616 comments3030 favs

Cahill—Dr. Cahill to those who knew him in his small town in Maine—had decided that his screened porch should be relocated. Wouldn't it be better to winterize the current porch, adding a door at the far end which would lead to a new, smaller porch,…

Things I Should Have Done - #5

18381838 views2929 comments1212 favs

When I walked into the local police precinct to meet with a detective about the scope of my rights, I was thinking about Rocco, the adored dog of a long-ago life.

A Glimpse

24372437 views3636 comments2323 favs

I am everything she wanted me to be. I am crossed legs, chest out; I am wearing a soft white dress—lacy and completely inappropriate to the Midwest, to 2011, to anything about my existence.

Comfort of Friends

18871887 views4242 comments2626 favs

She drove me to radiation, to acupuncture and support group. She brewed me concoctions that smelled of twigs and dirt...

You're Gay? I'm Not Surprised. But Thanks For Telling Me!

31753175 views1010 comments66 favs

When I was young, my mother told me that J. Edgar Hoover was a homosexual. I don't remember exactly when or why she shared this tidbit with me. This was, after all, fifty years ago. But Mom wasn't a homophobe, so I'm guessing that what intrigued her about Hoover's…

Lay on Me

17061706 views3535 comments2626 favs

On Friday nights I'm not there.


29672967 views3939 comments1515 favs

"It's what being out of work does to you, " she said, with that innocent sense of the everyday tragic, that kind murmur.

From the Kitchen of my Childhood

16541654 views5656 comments1919 favs

An ice block heart rushed home to the beat of its melt.

It's a Boy!

32333233 views1818 comments1717 favs

Sex when you’re pregnant Is like sex when you aren’t Pregnant, but with extra people.


26902690 views5353 comments2323 favs

"Oh, damn,” I say. “A kitty.”


22732273 views6464 comments2525 favs

He’d kept the parking space open. She used it most often, whenever she and her husband, an old drinking buddy, came to visit.


947947 views4141 comments2828 favs

She pulled into the doorway. Uncertain where to spend the night. Certain there'd once been a place with food. Here. This place. She remembered. Curtains. Small tables. Coffee cups thick-handled and sturdy. Crockery. Some words came back.

Leader of Men

22902290 views5353 comments2626 favs

"Look," he said. "Look at the knife. See how I hold it?"

How To Love Like a Raven Loves

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Margaret & Beak Discuss Jazz for The Last Time

18721872 views5050 comments2727 favs

He lit a slim, brown cigarette and drew on it. "But have you heard the flugelhorn? I mean, have you heard a particularly adept flugelhorn?"

I'm Feeling the Monkey Around your Neck Isn't Quite Listening

27512751 views2828 comments2121 favs

The sky's hand's so big andso vast that it takes ourhuge sun at the end of day and squeezes it downto a perfect diamond--just like Supermanwith a lump of coal-- poof!--obliterates it. And it's gone.Next day it's seen floatingaround everywhere again,like an…