by Kirsty Logan
they say
learn the names of things
make up your mind
create a new language with the same letters
they say
write constantly, your soul is built with words
write rarely, but mean it
they say
read more, consume stacks as high as your hips
read less, be selective, only in your genre, only outside your genre
they say
attain quickly
keep striving
paper your walls with rejections slips
don't forget to network
don't forget to get down on your knees
don't forget to call them friends
be accepted
be accepted
they say
only when your name is written do you become real
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106 words
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NaPoWriMo, Day 30. IT IS DONE.
I want to share the NaPoWriMo website of Alexis Quinlan with you, her site is:
I feel converted to you via your daily poems. Thank you!
Love it!
fuck 'em
kaPOW. finger on the pulse point w/ this one, Logan.
I feel your pain, though not as eloquently as you! Keep writing, you got it sister! Peace...
Fav on the title alone -
And Kirsty, I like the poem too
be accepted
be accepted
Great poem...very relatable.
Great poem...very relatable.
This one hits home. Well done, Kirsty!
Very nicely done.Everything works beautifully to the point.I agree--it's a hit!
Gotta read this to my cw class next week. "No more advice from me, guys; you're on your own!"
god, i LOVE this. you have no idea.... (or maybe, clearly, you do)
Wow! I love this.
If all of your thirty poems are like this and unpublished, I hope you'll consider submitting to my online 'zine
Check out of up coming themes or suggest one.
We have a group on Fictionaut if you want to check that out as well.
Cheers, Jo
Such an excellent commentary -- I love the form, the rhythm, the speed of it. fave!
I have yet to read one of your poems that I did not like. I don't like saying things like that, but there it is.
Damn Logan, you are good.
Mr. Bell likes the power created by the directness of this piece. He admires your ability to write 30 poems in 30 days. He hasn’t written a single poem in close to 10 years.
Yes so damn amazing. I couldn't express this nearly as well. Goddamnit.
There is no them. There is only us!
There is no them. There is only us!
Fabulous, so beautifully written, and I love the counterpunch delivered by the title, offset against the delicacy of the piece.
loved this.
Very nice work, and so-o close to home!
Gary, I agree! And might I add: "...if they can't take a joke!"
Awesome work, Kirsty! I really love this poem.
Echos from inside my own head. Thanks for the great piece. NoMoPoWriMo...
They do. *star*
I love the message and I love the way the form is used to help deliver that message. Very nicely done.
This is fabulous!!! A great piece that captures the futility of the artist, their craft and the desire for acceptance.
Really enjoyed this!
I really enjoyed this. :) We'd love to have this at Like Birds Lit, as well. Just saying... ;)
Really great!