by Rachna K.
Blue Bonnet Review'2014
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Love it. "*"
Love it too. I love it when math and science are used so skillfully in a poem. I read just yesterday an explanation of why the infinity of irrational numbers is greater than the infinity of rational numbers. Thought about it all day. Good work. *
Oh. *
Gasp. Whole and real, this. *****
'nough said.*
A very succinct success.
*, Tara. You did it. Summed it all up in 20 words. And, you did it very well.
Thank you all for being so kind.
Yes. *
Never confuse sex with love or math. *
* Brevity is power here
I like the ping-pong effect and the math metaphor. There's probably no solution!
Beautiful. *
Ditto what Carol said :) *
Indeed!! *
Yes ma'am.
So big in depth in so small a space. Beautiful.
A perfect small gem!
Love it. "*"
Love it too. I love it when math and science are used so skillfully in a poem. I read just yesterday an explanation of why the infinity of irrational numbers is greater than the infinity of rational numbers. Thought about it all day. Good work. *
Oh. *
Gasp. Whole and real, this. *****
'nough said.*
A very succinct success.
*, Tara. You did it. Summed it all up in 20 words. And, you did it very well.
Thank you all for being so kind.
Yes. *
Never confuse sex with love or math. *
* Brevity is power here
I like the ping-pong effect and the math metaphor. There's probably no solution!
Beautiful. *
Ditto what Carol said :) *
Indeed!! *
Yes ma'am.
So big in depth in so small a space. Beautiful.
A perfect small gem!