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11581158 views1313 comments1212 favs

Today I'm feeling fertilized by an egg—

At the Number Party

13121312 views1515 comments1212 favs

and dreamed itself infinite.


14021402 views1515 comments1010 favs

When we would leave her place I never had a firm idea where I was taking her except I knew - and she knew - that eventually we'd end up back at my place. We did this a lot when her husband, Mack, was out of town. Every couple of weeks his job took him to…


11391139 views1818 comments1111 favs

We can apprehend beauty only/ by framing it with the photographic/ paper’s edge or the novel’s margins/ and bookends.

My 27th Great-Grandparents

11331133 views1515 comments1111 favs

Early Spring, 1075, Northumbria: Judith, too ashamed to speak, too angry to cry, waves her handmaiden away. She wants no food. Wind drives icy rain across the thickness of…

Command Voice

14951495 views1818 comments1212 favs

Go to your room. Children are meant to be seen not heard.

No access to the Hollywood Sign

21842184 views1313 comments1212 favs

The sign that informs tourists that there is no access to the Hollywood Sign is the most ignored sign in all of Los Angeles.

Winyah Bay

12701270 views1515 comments1212 favs

Effie reckons the river her sister keeps asking about, the Great Pee Dee, was named after some Indians.

December Can Feel Like April Here

13511351 views1919 comments1111 favs

Today the isobars are far apart.

Gulf War

10691069 views1515 comments1010 favs

Someone's ass should be kicked.


12241224 views1313 comments1212 favs

Myrna came home from her new, midnight shift, waitressing job at the Waffle House saying she was sorry but she couldn't take any more gray-haired Jesus-types with their dollar bills held high, releasing a few so they would flutter, as if borne by wings, onto the tables as…


13791379 views1515 comments1010 favs

On the birthday before he started school, he received a pencil case from his paternal grandparents. The violet, oblong pouch contained a pencil and a pencil sharpener in the same color. He didn't remember what had happened with the pencil or the sharpener, but he had…

God Bless You, Mr. Rinsewater

30713071 views1919 comments88 favs

Once upon a time, on March 8, 2011, to be exact, there was a flash fiction writer named Rinsewater who had a novel idea – flash fiction writers whose stories were published by indie lit magazines must be paid for their work!

A Knobby Thing

15291529 views2222 comments1010 favs

She feels ugly but ready for anything.

Retire! Dance! Die! But First, Pass the Chocolate. Boomers According to Google.

16651665 views1111 comments1111 favs

Born in 1954, I identify as a Baby Boomer. But what does that mean, really? Who exactly are we Boomers? And how does the world see us? I decided to perform a quick Google Search and find out. I typed in the phrase “Boomers Are…” Here's…


13241324 views1414 comments1212 favs

Behind them all, in the background, a tray of vodka tonics waits on a glass table, the limes losing color as they drown.

End of Shift

11011101 views1616 comments1212 favs

He was losing his fight with malaria, but you would never know it from his dreams


12401240 views1111 comments1313 favs

I was seeing the owl lady from time to time when I met Caroline.

Mall Flower

11991199 views1818 comments1010 favs

I’ve blown out my shag haircut and it’s big. BIG-big.


11581158 views1717 comments1111 favs

When he got out of sick bay, they moved him into a room with three other alkies. A kid, a tree trimmer, and a Catholic priest.

Unintended Consequences

13991399 views2121 comments1212 favs pile into your Mercury and barrel down the street, the air smells like sea, the night goes forever...


13301330 views1919 comments88 favs

The one he liked best was a middle aged woman who didn't wear underwear. She had a terrific figure.


835835 views1818 comments1111 favs

For a few/ vivid weeks, deciduous shrubs and trees/ will seem to glow like flames and embers

The Gospel According to Teeny

13941394 views1414 comments1212 favs

Then I heard it -- a sound like an oboe being strangled. Teeny was farting onto the cement stoop through her jeans, a tripple flutter blast.

Everything I Have Is Broken

15681568 views2020 comments99 favs

My mother’s old china no longer reflects. It’s value is now estimated as drywall.

Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous

15621562 views2222 comments1010 favs

Liz spied the box of Kleenex right away. She sat down at the chair closest to the Kleenex.

The Street to Here

11411141 views1717 comments1111 favs


The Innocence of Age

15241524 views1414 comments1212 favs

“I want to show you something pretty.” She looked at me, chin on her chest, watery brown eyes looking up. Skin tags on her eyelids made it difficult for her to look as coquettish as she wanted. She tried to flutter what was left of her eyelashes, but syr

Physicist in love

14781478 views1313 comments99 favs

He saw symmetry, exquisite geometry, body and built world in harmony.

Lawyer Doctor

16541654 views1515 comments1111 favs

When we're near, there is a black cloud, such as Sylvia Plath described in her unabridged journal, that semi-appeared in her rental cottage where she and Ted Hughes lived in Cornwall. The cloud filled the center of the room where she sat alone.