by Tina Barry
I've blown out my shag haircut
and it's big.
BIG-big. Cool
With the mirrored halter-top
and jeans chopped into shorts.
I'm psyched for the mall
And its food court, where I strut
the aisles on swizzle
stick legs
past Jahn's green whipped cream,
past Beefsteak Charlies,
past the crepes at Magic Pan,
past the Nut Shoppe's chocolate
To buy cigarettes at Mr. Pipe
where Scott wears an afro
and a star of David,
ties a red bandana
to the loop of white overalls,
and asks me to meet him
behind Cinnabon
where I wait, back pressed
against cinderblocks,
face tilted to the sun,
knowing, as I suck
the smoke in deep,
that I'm a fox.
A total fucking fox.
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130 words
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I'm honored to have "Mall Flower" and two other new poems posted at the wonderful Camroc Press Review. Big thanks to editor Barry Basden!
I read this at Camroc Press and love it.
Thank you, Steven, for the star and the kind words!
This girl just makes me smile. Great to read this again!
Thanks, Carol!
Totally, still and forever.
"asks me to meet him / behind Cinnabon"!
This poem is simply vulpine!
Thanks David and Bill for the kind words about "Mall Flower," and thanks for the stars. "Vulpine"! You made my day.
Fine work, Tina. Good writing.
Thanks, Sam. So glad you like "Mall Flower."
Time specific in setting but timeless in its depiction of behavior.
Teenagers are teenagers--then and now. Thanks for the comment about Mall FLower and the star, Gary.
Vivid, fun. Love the detail. *
Thanks for the kind words about "Mall Flower," Jake. And thanks for the star!
Love the title. *
Thanks, Beate. Glad you like "Mall Flower." Titles are important. *
Tina, this is smokin HOT! I recall reading this at CPR, and loved it there. The sensory touches are just astounding. I love the use of capitol letters to emphasize the decorous hair and shorts. And the mall setting, the throwback store names, and the climax is just exquisite! Absolutely love it! Fave.
Thanks for the star and the kind words about "Mall Flower," Robert. And "smokin HOT!" made my day. Really!
Brings back so many memories,you really captured how it was (and maybe still is) at the mall. Haven't heard Jahn's mentioned in years. And what a fantastic title.