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Honor Grade

15741574 views3030 comments1717 favs

It was a surprise they put me in a dormitory, not a cell,

The tuner

15151515 views2121 comments1414 favs

yielding wood song

Family Emergency

32603260 views33 comments11 fav

The phone screamed again, nearly rattling off the hook, and I winced. Only in the dead of night, silence all around it and with the ring so unexpected, did it register as an alarm like this.

Kepler On The Bus

14611461 views2727 comments1919 favs

On the bus I sat like an ounce.

The Lost Boys

15471547 views2121 comments1919 favs

Every day hurts, just a little, but not enough


20512051 views2727 comments1616 favs

“White,” he says. -- “Black,” I answer.

The Party

15181518 views2626 comments1717 favs

My wife tells me I should marry Pam. “She would be good for you,” she says.


16701670 views2424 comments1818 favs

If you’re not dead yet, you’ll die of something.

Sounds from the Sun

13191319 views1515 comments77 favs

It was a lovely day all the horrors in deep hiding leaving me, leaving all of us, a chance to wonder why

When Borders was Alive and Well

13611361 views88 comments77 favs

I'd been working for two years as a barista in a Starbuck's in a giant, two-story Borders in an upscale mall on Rt. 355, a main artery between Washington D.C., and Frederick, Maryland. I'd finished my M.F.A in 2000 and was trying to build up steam for more grad…

Coming Back To Earth As A Dog

24202420 views3535 comments1414 favs

Even after he shot me, I still loved him and even after I was dead I wanted to be with him. So I forgave him once more and made the crucial decision to come back to earth as a dog. …

At Play in the Fields of the Lord

15091509 views2626 comments1818 favs

Rothko explored horizons,/ blurring figure and ground/ by omitting the figure.

Bubble Gum and Paperback Books

14531453 views1010 comments1010 favs

A block after his first crime, he found a bookstore to commit another.

Party Line

20392039 views2222 comments1717 favs

Mama reads about UFOs in paperback books and newspapers with big cloudy pictures. Her girlfriends know about flying saucers, too. They get drunk at night when they are sitting all alone in their living rooms because they are divorced or married to men who

The Basement of Desire

15971597 views2626 comments1818 favs

sooner or later you realize


13961396 views2525 comments1818 favs


You Take All

15331533 views3737 comments1818 favs

so sassy so sassy so cool

The Krafft-Ebing Poems

16431643 views2727 comments1818 favs

his dreams are filled / with aprons


17211721 views2727 comments1717 favs

He's Eric Roberts, the stalker and eventual killer in Star '80.

Variations on a Theme by Pina Bausch

841841 views2020 comments1919 favs

Threads of sadness in the hands, in the touch

Fuck Ups

13751375 views1818 comments1919 favs

we try, we keep trying

Mister Fix-It

17861786 views3939 comments1818 favs

Lined up like ghosts on the front lawn, the second-hand porcelain fixtures had embarrassed her.


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The Bicycle

15641564 views2727 comments1717 favs

Oh what fun they had riding that bike! What adventures! They went everywhere, in town and out.

Between Yoko Ono and a Hard Place

571571 views2525 comments1616 favs

There was a man.There always is a man.Let's say this man was a hippiein the sixties and grew a beard, a blondbeard and hung out in Central Parkwith his guitar and his lyrics. Let's sayhe took too many drugs, drank too muchbourbon, slept with too many women.Let's say it is…

Would You Ask A Librarian For A Lap Dance?

20912091 views2323 comments1717 favs

In the 15 years that I've worked at my local public library, I've learned that we librarians do plenty of things for our patrons that aren't in our job descriptions. After a patron asked me to change her flat tire, and another wanted to check out our pencil sharpener,…

The Light at the End of You

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I'm reading your remains.


14391439 views2727 comments1818 favs

. . . there is nothing so selfish as sleep.

The Man from OBERIU

24322432 views66 comments44 favs

Elizaveta still wore her winning smile, the one that only charmed. She looked up suddenly: “Watch out, Pushkin! (falls over Gogol) “Watch out, Gogol!” (falls over Pushkin).

Listening to Neil Young on a Gray Day and Understanding Clearly What My Grandfather Told Me Long Ago

11861186 views1717 comments1515 favs

I'm a lot wiser now but so what?