"What's that?"
"What's what?"
"Like a big bang."
"Oh, that. It's nothing."
"Nothing? It's a big bang."
"It's a puff of smoke. It will be gone in no time."
"Where's it coming from? What's causing it?"
"Nothing's causing it."
"In other words, you don't know. Why don't you just say that?"
"I know it's nothing."
"How do you know?"
"Because nothing exists. It's all just a dream."
"I exist, you exist, the big bang exists, the puff of smoke exists. Isn't that something?"
"Sounds like the title of a song."
"You're not making sense."
"I don't need to make sense. You're the one who's always trying to make sense out of everything. You're hearing a big bang. Oh, wow! What are you going to do about it?"
"Do about it?"
"Yeah, do about it. In another ten to the negative thirty two seconds, the negative-pressure from vacuum-energy density will produce a thermodynamic phase transition resulting in a cosmic inflation. You are about to expand exponentially in volume by a factor of at least ten to the positive seventy eight in approximately ten to the negative three seconds."
"Why didn't you say that in the first place?"
"Get used to it. We'll be together for a while. I'm the Yin to your Yang."
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Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning
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Oh, I really like this. My kinda people.
Hi, Sally. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for reading, commenting, and faving. I greatly appreciate.
This is beautiful, J!
(Oh, and I *get* the title)
I don't get any of it, bit I still like it anyway ; )*
"Let's see...(shuffles through his class notes)...Ah, yes, here it is. (clears throat) "Rome Ants in the sky," by J. Mykell Collins, is an exploration of the playful interaction between the male/female essences present at the moment of creation of the universe, commonly known as The Big Bang. As for the title, it says here to 'look away from the page and speak the words slowly and clearly, imagining a black and white movie from the 1950s'--whatever *that* means.
Okay, test next Tuesday. Good luck!
Oh boy! Crib notes! I get it now. I get it!
...and I like it even better ; )
Love this! Great "Big Bang" energy about this one! I love your posts, always amazing surprises abound!
Hi, Matt. Thanks for reading. I appreciate your comments. You're very perceptive, as always.
Hi, JP. I'm gland you still liked it anyway. And thanks for saying so. And the *. I appreciate.
Hi, Robert. Thanks for the lovely comment and fav. I love your posts, too. And look forward to reading more.
Ever read Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino? All stories based on science. Quite brilliant. VERY entertaining. This story has affinities with those stories, paticularly "All At One Point." Calvino may give you some ideas.
I like (you might expect I would)the "Rome Ants" pun!
Well-written, J Mykell. I like this. Good form.
Hi, Bill. Cosmicomics, thanks, I'll check it out. Glad you liked the pun.
Hi, Sam. Thanks. I appreciate your encouragement.
Love the playful metaphysics here, J. Myk. And yeah, do check out Cosmicomics, like now.
"Get used to it." must be one of the toughest commands in the English language. (Like "Don't just do something. Stand there.") I like this a lot. *
Hi, Matthew. Love your comment. I'll follow your suggestion.
He Beate. Yes, some things are impossible to accept, yet we live with them, if we can: otherwise makes for a contentious relationship.
I like this more every time I read it. Get used to it? Nah. Fun title. Just fun in general.
Love the ending!
Hi, Carol. Fun, yes, that's what it's all about. Thanks for reading and confirming.
Hi, Darryl. Yeah, it ends with a bang, the fusion of Yin and Yang, "the playful interaction between the male/female essences present at the moment of creation of the universe.
Fantastic piece. Totally engaging. I want to know more about these two characters.
Funny, smart and existential dialogue that makes sense to me.
I loved it!! Had me mesmerized throughout!! ****
disembodied voices are always so enticing...
Hi, Isabell, Susan, Meg, Gessy.
Thanks for reading and commenting. I look forward to having more to say when I read your next work. Or past work, perhaps.
This is the first time I have ever read anything that is just dialogue, and I must say, it is pretty fantastic! It put a smile on my face for sure.
Fave. How did I miss this before?
Hi, Veronica. Thanks for the comment and fav. I appreciate.
Hi, Thomas. Glad you liked the dialogue format and thanks for the comment and fav.
Hi, David. Glad you found it. Thanks for the comment and fav.
dialogue only: not easy-well done *
A dialogue of two sub-atomic particles personified ... philosophizing anthropomorphically, and between the lines ... *
Hi, Bobbi. Sorry I missed your comment until now.
Hi, Quirina. Great comment. Thanks for reading and *.