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Peshawar kids

16791679 views1414 comments1414 favs

a dark day

Things I Will Miss Once the Apocalypse Is Done

14231423 views2525 comments1717 favs

The scent of fresh cut grass./ The idiot sense of accomplishment/ mowing the lawn can bring.

A Cloud of Words for Winter

622622 views1313 comments1515 favs

What I would say


12721272 views2121 comments1818 favs

After the funeral there was a luncheon in the church basement.


18381838 views3232 comments1818 favs

“Spare change?” he asked the couple heading into the cineplex. They glanced at his brother, saw something was wrong with him, then at him, noting his dirty and disheveled state. They passed without a word, not even a head-shake.

The Eyes of the Inmate

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The courts had scheduled the date long ago but the time, an hour always left to the warden, had yet to be decided.

A Sunday Afternoon in Paris

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He would lean on his window sill in the evening and watch the whores. They wore gaudy clothes and too much makeup.

Cracking Open

19201920 views2525 comments1313 favs

Her addiction started with dry roasted nuts, and quickly jumped to peanuts. At her worst, she was consuming a large glass jar of peanuts daily. She loved while hating their salty taste and greasy feel, the repetition of tossing them into her mouth. …

Things Worth Saving

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It felt like I was somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be, like I’d walked into a house that looked like mine, but belonged to someone else.


14011401 views2121 comments1616 favs

Tell Bono I want my seventy bucks back.

New Questions of Travel

14891489 views2626 comments1818 favs

Watching water fall in the longest waterfall/ becomes immediately tedious


14121412 views1818 comments1717 favs

One day my wife got so mad at me she raked her fingernails down my face.

The Trench

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His face was cold and hard as marble. Rudy’s angular features shuddered and twitched in the darkness.

The Death of Narrative

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“Why, you tell a story,” one young fellow said. The expression on his face said “How gauche, how passé!”

Reading Rilke Aloud in an Empty House

22192219 views2121 comments1616 favs

I arranged all my books before you came, / so that it appears I read some more than others.

The girl, whose hair was red, green and yellow

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There were trees where I lived and clean pavement

Young fool

12391239 views1919 comments1717 favs

my lawn, get off of it


11841184 views2323 comments1515 favs

I am long of tooth, too, and when I go, maybe a box with my ashes inside will join the boxes containing the cats’ remains.

once upon a time in Sumeria

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Suddenly there was a crash of thunder, and they raised their eyes for the first time heavenwards. That was the beginning of what we call civilisation. - adapted from Prolegomena to Work in Progress — Stuart GilbertIt's the third year of the third millenium,…


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Where we live, at the edge of the foothills at the east edge of town, fire is always a worry during the summer, and this has been an exceptionally dry year.

Three Bedrooms in New Jersey

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After my father moved in with his girlfriend, my mother sold the split-level and rented a two-bedroom in an apartment complex rife with divorced mothers and the under-employed.

Before and After

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My heart beat someone up the stairwell.

Funny Jokes

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Why was the broom late for work?


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Your writing offended the editors greatly, and we would select certain word choices we disliked, but we truly hated every word, including mere articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.

Hot Dish

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Millie was a good woman, Bobby said. A good Christian woman. Well, I said, you can’t hold that against her.

The Unknown Substance

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Mama's good at finding things, but hardly ever what she's looking for.

Parking Garage

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It's that quiet comfortable darkness. One should feel it often and necessarily.


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There is a tall and leafy tree in our backyard. Also a bride, a groom, and a chicken.


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She leaned up on an elbow, smirked and touched his leg. “Want to do it?”

One Poem, Eight Rejections

18331833 views2525 comments1515 favs

Do you suppose you could make your female protagonist a salamander rather than a human?