Before and After
My heart beats someone
up the stairwell.
Oh, it's the sky, I know
because I wrote it
with my joints
long before roller
derby prevailed.
In case they come
I'll skate round the silo
at seventy-miles-per-hour
favs |
44 words
All rights reserved. |
This was originally published in Judy Jensen's Float Press August Postcard Project 2012:
Also, is included in Microtones, my chapbook from Cervena Barva Press:
Insane in the membrane.
Hollah! Yeah this one is abstract, to say the least.
LOVE this! "because I wrote it with my joints." Powerful piece, as always, Robert! And I LOVED seeing it on the postcard on their site! Sublime!
Thanks Meg! So nice of you to comment with so much heart.
great stuff RV!***
Unusual choices, and tone is right up my alley! Great poem, packed tightly. *
Thanks so much, James!
Theo, so glad we share a similar esthetic! Thanks a lot.
Sam, you are so kind! Thanks.
And silo skating is tough sledding. Thanks.
Indeed it is, Steve! Thanks!
read this last week, or was it a few days ago? Left a big impression -- esp the opening lines. * for the brevity and impact.
Thanks, MIchelle, for your generous and insightful comments. Always wonderful coming from you.
Short on words, big on images; I like!
Love the spareness here, and the visuals--WOW!*
David, you are a rock star!
Thanks a ton, Tina. I'm a huge fan of your work!
That first stanza is especially good. Very Frank O'Hara. Love "My heart beats."
Go, Robert!
Thanks Bill, and wow, an honor to be compared to the incomparable O'Hara. Made my day!
Good one, Robert!
Thanks, Gessy! Grateful.
Great Robert! Images, loved!
Gloria, you rock! Thanks for this!
Robert, I love this! The visuals are powerful and rich, and fresh. I want to think you are writing about love and longing here, and what strikes me is the narrator's investment in the act and emotions of it, I.e. the use of "heart" and the visual that you used your joints to write the sky. Yes,that's what is striking to me -- the narrorator's sweat, racing about, exertion and hard work to keep this going.
Michael, what an expressive take-away from this abstract poem! Thanks does not even begin to cover my gratitude for you!
Thanks a ton, David. Means a lot.
I just fav'd it, which means I like it a lot. I especially loved those last two lines.
Thanks so much, David! I appreciate it.
Found the spot, thanks Robert. Loved the word play. As I said, it reminded me of games my brother (now deceased) and I used to play that were not small part of contributing to our pursuit of writing--his in music, mine in every other mode. Thanks for the conjured memory and for the skilled and clever fun.
Lance, so sorry to hear about your brother. And glad that this piece evoked some nice memories of your joint creative paths. Keep on yours, my friend. Can't wait to read your material here and everywhere. Thanks!
Playful, whimsical, witty and thought provoking scamper. It speaks to me like a René Magritte painting. *
MGM: Thanks for your generous support and the artistic reference! I hadn't seen that until now.