1092 0 0
The moon hung in the sky, round and pale, under cover of some wispy clouds.
1171 2 0
The pier stretched out by where sharks came and men waited with beautiful dirty buckets that held strange and dangerous things, buckets with fish guts, buckets with blood, with character, buckets like prophets or a gritty desert walking saviour like Chris
50 2 1
"...ooompa loompa
tuba cymbals and
then wrist, Godzillas
in the mist all over
again. .."
1289 2 1
For the briefest moment, she was part of the sky. She hung there. Frozen. Suspended. Arms outstretched. She thought maybe she could take off flying, if she strained against gravity hard enough. She would soar into the pale blue until she reached the clouds. They …
129 18 5
And if the dead can't wait, they crouch
753 2 1
Last week, Beatrice told Rick she doesn’t want to marry him because why should they need an antiquated religious ceremony to validate their love for each other? But really it is because she does not love him. They both know this, but only deeply. They do
1692 35 16
My heart beat someone up the stairwell.
1978 52 24
2780 77 45
I squeeze the soft bag tighter between my legs.
367 3 0
1.like thatevening comes.stretching across alleywaysand four lane streetsblanketing the troubles of you and mequieting the rustle of tree leaves into first position,stilllike that evening comes.and soon the moonarches high to a place we cannot reachthe sky is blinking…
5 3 0
Mama died after Daddy didn't come home from the war. The bottle and pills hurried it along, but she really died from a broken heart. Aunt Orphy and Uncle Louie sold the farm in Twig and took me in. We moved to a tiny ranch house in Coon Rapids, a flat, treeless place where…
1581 25 14
Did we get Jihadi John?/
And the highway to Mosul?//
What’s the score?