The Dead in Paris, Complete
by Gary Hardaway
The Dead in Paris, Part 1
What's the score?
How many dead in Paris?
Did we shoot any of them?
Were there suicide bombers?
Which team claims credit
for the bodies and the injured?
Did we get Jihadi John?
And the highway to Mosul?
What's the score?
I need to check in with my bookie.
I think I covered all these bets,
depending on the score.
The Dead in Paris, Part 2
I grow inured to savagery that
adolescent-boy-minded men
with fantasies of Ninth Century
social structures with an electrical grid,
wi-fi and shiny new Toyota pickups
inflict across disparate settings.
It is the latest episode in their
continuing political theater.
Blood spatter decorates the walls
of six continents. Architectural Digest
will feature the trend
as the newest distressed finish
available to the affluent
for their apartments in Tokyo,
Singapore and New York.
The moon, in her pale, pocked
fullness or her slender sickle mode,
continues not to care.
The stars are not complicit.
They remain indifferent
at their unapproachable distances.
The sky may drizzle
or rain in torrents
but sheds not a single tear.
Whatever grief there is
is human wherever the human
might remain tonight.
The Dead in Paris, Part 3
We love the sound of automatic weapon fire
the rat-a-tat-tat that punctuates the high point of TV dramas
that mass-market film work celebrates
that pimple faced adolescent video games vivify.
We love the sound of automatic weapon fire
until it's real and aimed at us.
The Dead in Paris, Part 5
The virgins await you, scented,
oiled, and dressed in loosely gathered
folds of pure white cotton…
The virgins smirk
and flash sharpened teeth
that sink deeply into bared
and weathered skin
and the hardened muscle underneath.
The pain is not exquisite
and goes on forever.
The blood that gushed in Paris-
testament to the power-
fouls instead your arms and ankles
as the sharp teeth cut the tendons
and etch the bones.
The Dead in Paris, Part 6
We built a wall from the Gulf
of Mexico to the Pacific,
then one around DC, Atlanta,
Phoenix, San Diego, Peoria,
and Des Moines. Still,
the bullets flew and the dead
stacked up in morgues.
You get the picture. We got
medieval on their asses
and the sieges
ricochet and rumble on.
For the Dead in Paris, Part 4
For Gregg Abbott, Crippled Governor of Texas
I wish that oak tree crushed your skull
instead of just your spine. You deserve
to be a corpse. You deserve to be buried
or burned to ash
instead of rolling on, financed by the suit
that made you a young millionaire.
I'd pay to see you tossed out of your chair
to slither into the underbrush
away from the sun and it's revelations
of the shit you are, head to dead, dead toes.
I'd pay to crush your larynx with my naked hands,
you gimp, you cripple, you evil manifestation
of God's wicked sense of humor.

The score doesn't really matter when it's a blowout, and make no mistake, right now it's a blowout. The question is, why do they continue to play the game? How come they don't quit? Because they don't quit and they never have and they never will. This game is going to go on forever, as far as we, the spectators (and hopefully never involuntary participants, like those poor people in Paris) are concerned. The winner will be the the who doesn't collapse from exhaustion. I don't feel it's an overstatement to say that this is the Big War, the one we've all been waiting for, it's here, and it's different than any other war we know of, which is why we can't quite recognize it for what it obviously is: a Holy War. You can talk about oil and capitalism and globalization, and that all has its place in this discussion, but at the very heart of what we are witnessing is a war between two Fundamentalist strains of religious ideology. This is a war of civilizations, and it's what the extremists - both here and abroad - have always wanted. Anyone who thinks the Evangelicals aren't loving every minute of this is hopelessly naive and deserving of their poisonous illusions. As a Jew, I know I'm supposed to understand that all this is my fault, but I'm not buying that business anymore, because it's a lie. I know what I'm watching. I'm watching a heavyweight title fight between Jesus and Mohammed. I'm sitting in the cheap seats for now, as are most of us here. I hope that doesn't change, although I have a feeling it will, sooner rather than later.
Your poem, Gary. ***
Brave **
I'm sure the families of the dead in Paris will be very comforted by this. And as soon as you place yourselves outside the limits of the Geneva Convention and go around murdering innocent tourists and city dwellers, you deserve exacly the death you get.
here, here to Chris' comments above. *
takes guts to say the obvious. always does.
Yeah. The poem and the comment. A star for each. One question on the comment: Are Krishna and the Buddha in the house? **
Yes, Buddha is recording the whole thing on his iPhone.
Where the hell are the X-Men when we need them?
Thank you, Chris, for your thoughtful and painfully accurate response. Whether by fire or fire seems to be future for us all.
The inversion of the pathetic fallacy of nature strikes me as heartbreakingly appropriate. *
Either I missed Part II yesterday, or you've added it since. I shall take Emily's comment also as mine.
Well put Gary. And Chris. ***
Thank you, Daniel, Rachna, Matt,Emily, Felicia, Amanda, Gary, Jerry,Paul, and Tabitha.
I don't have the words for how crazy and obsessed these people are. It's a dangerous world.
Thank you, Steve and Karen.
* for this work and * for Chris's comment
Both are powerful and poignant - but part 2 is stand alone brilliant. Take it down before a would-be publisher sees its already been published! :)
Thank you, Alex, Neil, and Sam.