1520 6 1
Just like that. He heard her words clearly from the top floor of the five story apartment building. The unexpected change in weather made it mandatory for him to open his window.
2617 8 2
Moon-girl spins around & around
drunk on her outrageous momentum
as if she could make the world rotate on its own fables.
1049 3 0
the white moon is dangling
by a thread tonight
you close your eyes
and listen to it undress
and suppress, suppress
you listen to it undress
while you yourself hang lifeless
in your own arms
not meaning to do yourself any
harm, not
120 13 3
Right there is where I lived when I was five. The walls were paper, I was afraid of the neighborhood kids, and my dad broke the tv during the World Series.
175 0 0
Silent, so unbearably silent of voices. The dark sea gave us our only song, a light and flapping drum roll of waves and the crackling break of foam on the sand. Traipsing through forgotten sand sculptures we made our way down the beach, everything black and unseen. It was…
81 2 0
I could hear a lonely cricket searching for its mate in the tall grass. The cows, grunting, eased their way to the fence line, sucking the cool breeze. Part of the fence was blown sideways and the cows were forming a line to break through. I heard their c
101 16 7
Marni never spoke first. And so, in love as she was, no-one dared question how or who when Marni's belly swelled and her cries circled a harvest moon...
[304 words]
54 10 3
She only knew her daddy's soft smile and rough hands across her cheeks would help her sleep and dream of a world without such struggles.
1497 6 3
circa the early 90s, Buzz Aldrin and my father had been invited to a dinner at someone's house on Bainbridge Island and gotten lost.
1161 0 0
wrap me in the soft, cool blanket of night. waning,the moon peers down at melike the heavy-lidded eye of some cyclops. and if I be lost like poor Odysseus,cloak me in the soft, warm wool of night. and if my eyes fail me like old Tiresias,stitch the cloth with…
1092 0 0
The moon hung in the sky, round and pale, under cover of some wispy clouds.
110 28 17
My sister says to me, “Put your finger there.” I look at my wrinkled finger and lick the tip. It tastes fresh. My sister says, “Put it there now.”
1824 11 8
She was a moon dancer, keeper of secrets,
1793 3 2
The dismantled moon was not cold in our hands, but warm, smooth beneath its shell as baby flesh. The musk of its damp, stringy innards filled us with sorrow.
1411 0 0
The stupid suit made me look like an angel, which I hated. I wasn't here to save anyone's soul, not that any of the native animal life HAD a soul. If I have a soul myself, it is most likely in need of salvation, and in no way should I be cast in the rol