58 2 1
Hopefully I will have a boy, and I will name him James.
2812 10 4
A woman is fishing in the Seine at the far left
of the painting, while time is suspended and light
remains. One man plays a trumpet. A half dozen
people sit or walk under parasols. Couples stroll
and children run or sit or stand beside their
247 4 2
The sweetness turns your tongue inside out, and the texture of the cake on your inside-out tongue makes you feel all at once like you're in love, and like you're a child again.
1315 0 0
Deyrolle, established by the granddaughter of Jean–Babtiste Deyrolle, to house his scientific debris became a Paris fixture. A museum masquerading as a store and when casually mentioned in HG or when it was discovered that David Sedaris was an aficionado
83 1 1
Even though my father died when my children were young, they know exactly who their Grandpa is.
He is the me I swore never to be.
124 8 3
Outside a cafe in Paris a discarded bicycle leans against a street lamp. Years ago a man cycling home from work stopped for a coffee and there, by chance, met the love of his life.Under gray skies, the awning dripped a single wet chill down my collar. We had…
83 7 2
Reenie had always wanted to see Paris. In her dreams at night, she walked the old streets of the city, dressed up in floaty clothes, the smell of French perfume on the air. She told us that French perfume was just how Heaven smelt. But instead of Paris she had…
1135 0 0
Where was my real soul mate, I wanted to know, and why were there no twitchy children on my lap, and how had I been so dumb to believe that beauty's currency would never run out? So, Paris....
1561 8 6
"Love, against the dying of the light." (An unusual story about George Whitman, former owner of the revered & beloved Shakespeare & Company bookstore in Paris, France.)
22 7 1
After 44 years I still don't know what it was about me George Whitman didn't like, if anything.
1093 2 1
Up ahead I saw clusters of people standing silently under the trees. They seemed to be just waiting there. More than 100 people lined up in the cold and dark, not moving.
611 0 0
It wasn't raining, and I wasn't in Paris. The moon wasn't out, and I couldn't see the city lights. It was a sunny Saturday, not too hot but hot enough, and I wondered if my bike would fall over …
361 3 1
And then the fists were flying and because the bar is so damn small, the bar stools fell over, and the tables caught them, and the drinks fell to the floor and the two men grappled, half in the bar, half on the street.
1332 4 4
Then dared each other to travel
Much further
2011 50 27
He lit a slim, brown cigarette and drew on it. "But have you heard the flugelhorn? I mean, have you heard a particularly adept flugelhorn?"