by Jake Barnes
We have seven boxes containing the ashes of seven cats sitting in a stack on a desk in the spare room. We call the room the nursery. This is where new cats and kittens live when we first bring them in. We use the room as a spare bedroom for house guests, too. It's always interesting to see how somebody reacts to sleeping there. It wouldn't bother me, but I suspect it gives some folks the heebie-jeebies.
All but one of our live cats are old, and when they die, the stack of boxes will grow. I am long of tooth, too, and when I go, maybe a box with my ashes inside will join the boxes containing the cats' remains. On the other hand, maybe not. My wife, who is younger than I am, has something else planned for me she says. She says that when I die, she is going to mix my ashes in with the contents of the cats' litter boxes. She'd do it, too; I wouldn't put it past her.
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180 words
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More truth than poetry to this one.
Cats are good company so there could be worse destinies. Nice one. Enjoyed.
The opening sentence caught me by surprise and I had to keep reading. Good job.
Agree with Paul. Great way to open. It's a good read. *
I could imagine Hitchcock recanting this between sips of cognac to the disbelief and shock of a few noble ladies! Liked it!
Ha! Those evil trophy wives!
Had to read after that first sentence. *
Nice. I like where this goes and how we get there. I think my wife will probably do something like what happens here. But I don't care and won't care. I'll be DEAD!
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust but according to thermodynamic law, energy remains constant. You can haunt the cats that piss and poo on you.
I'm just left with the puzzle of why they aren't burying or scattered, and then, of course, the litter dilemma. *
Thanks to all of your for your kind comments and *s. Gloria, we think they add a nice touch decor-wise to our guest bedroom. Have to admit, though, that not all our guests are crazy about it.
"My wife, who is younger than I am, has something else planned for me she says. She says that when I die, she is going to mix my ashes in with the contents of the cats' litter boxes. She'd do it, too; I wouldn't put it past her."
Great end.
Thanks, Bill. This story is my best seller on the site (so far). Yippee!
Very enjoyable read, Jake. Loved this *
Love the way this begins, and love that I didn't have a clue what was coming. This is an odd, strong, funny work. A definite fav*
Jake, not sure how I missed this one. Great beginning. Great ending.*
Thing is, you won't care one way of the other (except possibly in a chuckling sort of way from an unfathomable distance). *
I'm just catching up. Sorry. Thanks Beate, Gary, Jen, Foster for the read and the fav. I appreciate it!
I like the contrast between the predictability of the cat's fate and the unpredictability of the narrators. Cat ash litter indeed. Wonderful story.
oooh. Creepy and weird, in the best way. Love it.
Wonderful Jake; my hair stood on end at the same time I was laughing. I have a sister who keeps her former cats and dogs in the spare bedroom. This is a perfect set piece.
Once again it's amazing how much you can get done in so few words. I wonder if you've thought of submitting to NARRATIVE's online contest that allows only 150 words for a story-especially that one you wrote where the husband and wife are watching a fire in the distance if it hasn't already been published.
Thanks for the A+ on "Paradise" and the comments.
Very well done. Makes me think of the current Bud Light commercials. It's only weird if... and in this case, it's only weird if you're not a cat lover.