by Ethel Rohan
Her addiction started with dry roasted nuts, and quickly jumped to peanuts. At her worst, she was consuming a large glass jar of peanuts daily. She loved while hating their salty taste and greasy feel, the repetition of tossing them into her mouth.
“You're making a monkey out of yourself, and me,” her husband said.
Her weight nudged three hundred pounds. She couldn't afford therapy and had no success with Weight Watchers, and so attended local Alcoholic's Anonymous meetings Friday evenings, inwardly substituting “peanuts” in all the pertinent places.
After several weeks, she abandoned AA, too weird, but replaced the peanuts with shelled nuts, lower in fat and calories, and limited herself to a cup or two a day. Happier, she especially enjoyed the messy process of cracking open the fibrous shells and fishing out the shriveled nuts. Her husband complained about the litter of shells and shell dust throughout the house. She took to gluing the shells to the kitchen appliances, and sticking them to the walls and furniture.
“You've turned our home into a monkey house,” he said.
One Saturday morning, he appeared in the kitchen, a suitcase hanging out of either arm.
In a rage, she jumped up and down, the house quaking, its contents teetering. Most of the peanut shells fell to the ground. Still jumping, she sprang her skinny self out of her carcass.
Her husband dropped the suitcases, reaching for her. “Baby, you're back.”
She pushed him away. “Take the peanuts when you go.”
She whirled around, lifting her leg and kicking her enormous husk full in the chest. Her husk thudded to the linoleum, shaking the last of the glued shells to the floor. She danced from room to room, lifting the shells and throwing them up into the air, naked and loud as the day she was born.
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This was published in Bound Off, Issue 42 back in July 2009. Thanks so much again, Kelly and Ann.
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"Happier, she especially enjoyed the messy process of cracking open the fibrous shells and fishing out the shriveled nuts."
oh my... i love this story!
Great work. Well paced.
Loved the notion of going to AA and subbing "peanuts" in all the pertinent places. Yuks and tears. Wonderful.
I loved the image of her skinny self coming out of her carcass. This is an excellent story, paced well from start to finish, told with amazing word economy!
I love the exuberance at the end. What a great one,Ethel!
Amazing switch in trails here. I really like the image, the fitting end to a relationship. Nice.
Hello Meg, Sam, Jack, Christian, D.P. and Susan,
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read and comment and even fave--you all brightened my morning!!!
Oh yes, I remember this one from way back. Great stuff!
Great wrap up! I love it when someone manages to actually go somewhere in so few words.
Great & Grand. Love this.
I second all the above, but just wanted to note that the title is perfect! Love titles that contain the whole story like that.
Thanks so much, David, Andy, Marcelle and Barry. It's so great to get direct feedback like this and you are all very generous with your time and comments. I look forward to returning the favor.
Quietly humorous. The AA bit especially.
bound off!
The question is, how did you come up with this?
Thanks so much, Katrina, Mel, and Gary.
Honestly, Gary, one of my obsessions is my mother. She loved peanuts and was trapped in a myriad of ways. I remembered how much she loved peanuts and sat down to write. This (with revision) is what came out. I don't do it intentionally, but invariably my obsessions, and my mother in particular, fuel much of my fiction. I suspect that's true of us all.
This is odd and eccentric and a wonderful read, Ethel. I like odd and eccentric.
Thanks so much, Ajay. Ha, me too.
Funny,sensual,jubilant! Hooray!
Thank you, Jeanne! Always great to hear from you.
Whimsical, funny, and real. Beautifully done, Ethel!
Thanks so much, Bonnie. I so admire your work, and your kind words made my day :-)
Just rounding out my reading of the set. You have a real nice way with endings. Please post more.
One of my favorite words. Thank you, Martha. You share the same birthday as my oldest daughter. Happy belated birthday.