by Jake Barnes
After the funeral there was a luncheon in the church basement. I introduced people to my wife. I saw folks I hadn't seen in years. My cousin from Fargo, for instance. She had gotten fat.
One of the ladies who made the arrangements had asked me if we wanted a hot dish. It wasn't necessary, she said. Sandwiches would be fine. But people kind of expected a hot dish.
While people were eating, I table hopped. I schmoozed with a long lost cousin, a second-cousin actually. I had never met the man. He told me that my mother was a good Christian woman. Well, you can't hold that against her, I replied. He blinked. His Mrs. pursed her lips.
When we got back to our room at the motel, my wife gave me hell. That was an awful thing to say, she said. I told her I didn't think I had anything to apologize for.
Later I sat at a table writing out checks, one for the nursing home, one for the church. A thousand dollars each. I told my wife I bet I get a nice thank you letter from the nursing home and nothing from the church. Why is that? my wife asked. I said because the church would think it should be more.
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Dedicated to Jimmy, my long lost second cousin. R.I.P.
Nice *
Rimshot. *
By god I can hear the dry corn stalks rustling and smell the pig sty, this is that Midwestern. You put your finger on it in a way that only a transplant could.
Brilliantly cruel.*
Always a splendid turn of the knife.
very Carver-esque!
You catch some really true lightning in this one. Dead on. And I really dig that choice in the first paragraph: "My cousin from Fargo, for instance. She had gotten fat." You could have said that in so many different way, but this one was the best, surely. Bravo to you for that fine choice.
So well done. *
*, Jake. I am sure it's not just me who knows of folks like his second cousin and his wife and we also know of churches like that. Good writing.
Enjoyed this, Jake. *
Good piece!*
The Lord loveth a cheerful giver, it was said, but His church believes it's a one-way street.
Many of the reasons I don't attend funerals.
No apologies accepted. It's great*
Nailed it Jake.
YES! You captured a whole culture in seven column inches! That's what flash is about.
I logged in today just so I could comment on this, just so's you know.)
Cold and accurate. *
I like a paragraph that includes both "schmoozed" and "Christian woman".
"His Mrs. pursed her lips." No doubt about it.
Jake, this is such lean, tight writing. I really loved it. **