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42644264 views3030 comments3333 favs

Once you start telling the truth it's hard to quit. You look around and reasons are everywhere. It's like a new appliance, truth-telling, a can opener that's so good you barely have to turn it.On the phone my sister asks me why I don't come out and see her in San…

Author meets unflattering reviewer in bar

30823082 views5757 comments3131 favs

It was one of those incredible literary coincidences destined to reside in Wiki annals forever.

What Some Boys Do

26382638 views7777 comments4545 favs

I squeeze the soft bag tighter between my legs.

Moving Day

52215221 views1919 comments2222 favs

I didn’t hear that Duncan Pratt had been killed until I’d been out of the Army for two weeks and had gone four days without a single thought about that final year in Vietnam.


27062706 views6565 comments3131 favs

... must we turn again (and again)/ to an orchestra stripped of wind and drum?

Making it Right

34393439 views5050 comments3535 favs

A girl stretched out on the long backseat of the Greyhound bus, her head resting on a bright pink overnight case decorated with colorful stickers announcing the places she intends to go: Paris Cairo Hong Kong Rome.

The Hollow

44354435 views8080 comments3737 favs

They live on the edge of town. There is a cornfield behind their house. When the wind blows, it is like the hands of many children clapping.

Temporary Passport

31433143 views4040 comments3737 favs

It is late in the twentieth century and I'm on my hands and knees for you.

My Mother Loved To Dance

22392239 views4747 comments3434 favs

I can picture her

Naked Ladies

36833683 views4545 comments3636 favs

She said she wanted to find a man who could appreciate a woman who gave great head.


36113611 views3535 comments2020 favs

Ok so oops. I messed that up. I made it sexual when it was sweet. Oops. I swear it was the beer. Ok I lie. I always lie.


24872487 views7474 comments3939 favs

That's what these companies do: swallow you whole and spit you out.

Repair Man

28212821 views7979 comments3838 favs

The repair man is conscientious in this as he is with all things, light with his fingers and his tongue. His hair falls over his eyes as he works her.

Meryl Streep Laughed at That

40184018 views5252 comments3030 favs

The boys' mother lived in a house two lawns from his, but she wouldn't bring him ice packs; she had her period, she said.

A Life Twice Told

27442744 views4343 comments2727 favs

Walking to work, Lawrence Settler was struck by a bus as he crossed a one-way street.

How To Make Your Own Falling Star, or Dreamland Begins at Sunset, So Be a Dear and Pass It On, Will Ya?

25192519 views3434 comments1717 favs

The world moves its roving glass eye around in front of you like a dog trying to flip over a frisbee, as if trying to show you how the loveliness of all things here and yet there, from an anything goes, different, always shifting,…


58435843 views5555 comments3030 favs

She made them all watch ``Oceans Eleven'', even the baby...

A Letter

29392939 views2525 comments2525 favs

I write to you from waiting for the world to end. I will leave this in a desk drawer.


29022902 views3939 comments1414 favs

Arise, ye masses, arise!

Three Short Shorts

23502350 views3131 comments3131 favs

When Uncle Dan got sent to the Alzheimer's ward, the ladies licked their lips. Fresh meat.

The Wolf Who Cried Boy

25522552 views4848 comments2727 favs

The story begins ... There were no pigs' huts of straw or stick or stone.


22942294 views4040 comments3737 favs

After the shooting, they sent the boy away. He returned taller and heavier, a sulkier version of his earlier self.

At the Bar

27642764 views1919 comments1616 favs

On the Nightly News a pedophile in an orange jumpsuit does a sashay of shame in front of a wolf pack of cameras and satellite feeds that surround the downtown courthouse. At the bar, a woman with big blonde hair and a rhinestone manicure says off with his head. A…

Pig Girl

512512 views6363 comments3939 favs

"In the camps we ate whatever garbage they gave us." This according to my mother. "We had no choice." But I had eaten pig with gusto at an anti-Semite's table. Somehow this had to be undone. Burial in soil was all I could imagine.

My Night with Sarah Palin

70947094 views77 comments33 favs

I admired her stamina. Her ability to Charlie Sheen it night after night.


37113711 views3636 comments2121 favs

Mina stumbled and fell headlong into her apartment, smacking her knees and palms on the hardwood floor.

3 Short Shorts

27322732 views8080 comments3636 favs

When he tried to kiss her, she ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Due to the volume of submissions

36493649 views1919 comments1313 favs

Somebody pushed the automatic fuck-you button today, not the due-to-the-volume-of-submissions-we-receive button, nor the it-does-not-fit-our-editorial-needs button;

Woman, Running Late, in a Dress

53835383 views2424 comments1717 favs

Gasps and shouts, a hand on my arm, sequined gowns and expensive colognes parting before me. And then, there, Raymond’s crumpled form on the hardwood floor of the foyer, like a sleeve torn from a jacket, the stitches frayed and useless.

What's Eating William Gass?

47944794 views3232 comments77 favs

Sometime in the 60s a philosophy teacher named William H. Gass was writing a novel. He had it about where he wanted it when someone stole the manuscript from his car.