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No Regrets

11161116 views66 comments66 favs

The ability to "see the ball" is a gift.


14081408 views1313 comments44 favs

His hands go up and down on me. You love me don't you he says. I don't know I say.

the wall

764764 views88 comments66 favs

Looking at an image of a graffiti on a wall on our computer screen we ask ourselves: what is the image's main graffiti-like property? We might answer: its location. But that is a contextual and political interpretation. There's nothing in that answer which addresses the…

The Pigeon Savior

11491149 views77 comments66 favs

The window washer started saving pigeons whose feet were wrapped in fine black thread, the result, he informed me, of picking through trash bins. They are very intelligent, he went on to explain. (Right, trash bins, I thought to myself.) People tend to av

The Three O'Clock Sun

10191019 views77 comments66 favs

Here the three o'clock sun is an old patched up fellow, with a stained yellow beard, walking in a small crispy rain of brown leaves, looking at something that requires a bit of squinting no one else can see, on the far side of the softening…

After the Poison

12031203 views66 comments77 favs

I've measured out our time togethersealed it in airtight bottlesthe one labeled 1998 kept closelike smelling saltsOne whiff a camphor waking memaking me high on the idea of usputting blinders on your infidelitiesdouble vodkas and damaging wordsAnd when that isn't enoughI…

Assiduity Six

12141214 views1212 comments66 favs

"Every generation is a new generation, isn't it? What's so different about your generation?"


12051205 views1414 comments66 favs

Marge didn't eat lamb or pork.


14141414 views77 comments77 favs

The moun­tains of humil­ity went silent, / the rain of regency dried its eyes


12951295 views1010 comments66 favs

I'm not. I am.

The lyre bird

427427 views1111 comments55 favs

When silence makes his way next to me on the narrow path, I let his arm brush mine, and I stop singing with the birds. So, in the vast forest filled with songs and rustling, silence and I follow our path to the edge. Two tranquil strollers, meditating on the ancient voices…

Permission to Go

13641364 views1010 comments66 favs

Now that I no longer sleep to see you, propelled by this motion that is not magic


12861286 views66 comments44 favs

For a person you don't know, a stranger with a lot of place, you think much of him.

My Great Sensitivity

889889 views99 comments66 favs

I'm mucked now for sure. No one's going to discover my difficult poems in a locked away desk drawer somewhere after the dying fact. I remember how it feels to be knocked out by someone standing next to me in a simple white dress. This…

May the Glad Inherit

10791079 views1212 comments66 favs

All creatures know death at their very core, a tacit default--

Postcard from a local

15741574 views99 comments66 favs

Wish you weren't here, Moon man in your cargo shorts.

Through windows dimly lit

11911191 views99 comments55 favs

Burren-grey, the sky through sky lights is cigarette ash smashed across July.

Frank & Frank

748748 views1111 comments66 favs

Ok, so I know this guy, he's a friend of mine. A good friend, even though I think he's left too big a tip on the bar more than once. His name is Frank.


13531353 views1818 comments55 favs

a shy girl

The Straps and the Electric

405405 views99 comments55 favs

The winter sun was going down and she watched it out the window.Light like shards of glass,time had melted.It took hold.She was held down by brown leather straps and she couldremember the smell of incense and little hands and little eyesof an infant cold on the bed.She…

The Best Kisses

10961096 views1111 comments55 favs

So I told her think of it this way: you’re my unlived life.

Ossian City

11701170 views66 comments66 favs

I hear the shriek of the Laughing Lady

The Garden of Earthly Delights

13821382 views1414 comments55 favs

When I come to suck fresh raspberries' juice from your hair pressing the clasp of my mouth's purse on the oyster of your ear;

Hot Rocks

759759 views77 comments66 favs

We go to the spa on my wife’s day off and get a manipedi. A swarm of little women pounces and works on our fingers and toes.

New Kid

972972 views66 comments66 favs

Wild are the woods tucked in the backyards, tame the front lawns of green, manicured, with a hedge and a few flowers, a well-maintained driveway, and a garage door.

Everyone Else's Business

12431243 views77 comments66 favs

"We all knew that the thirty-eight year old mother, with the house on the hill, was having an affair with Darren, a fifteen year old boy, but no one did anything about it. When he was sixteen the parents found out and were furious, but the police were ne

About The Author

900900 views55 comments55 favs

Gnarly Berger was born in a guitar case in Istanbul. His mother was an Iranian singer from Israel accompanied by a Turkish santur player & a French guitarist (Gnarly's biological father) and into whose guitar case Gnarly entered this world, somewhat by accident,…


15631563 views2020 comments44 favs

It's supposed to resemble the sea bed. These fish have never seen the outside of an aquarium and even if they had, they are reef fish, they'd probably get the bends and die if they went to the bottom of the ocean where the chances of them finding a cerami

Barnyard 1961

974974 views66 comments55 favs

The boy heard loud barks and squeals, climbed on a chair, and looked out the window at the barnyard and the faded blood red barn.

Kung Pao Turkey

16401640 views88 comments66 favs

It was my grandmother's idea of a joke, but I never realized she was joking when she repeated it every Thanksgiving. She would sit at the head table just before Uncle Leon would carve the bird and ask, "It's an American holiday. Shouldn't we be roasting an eagle…