by Mark Reep
The day I got out I saw Randy on the Commons. He'd set up on the east side, in the sun. I said hey man, how you doin'? He looked up and nodded but his shades flashed and I couldn't see his eyes. He was trying batteries in the Pignose, sorting through a baggie of double A's. That bunny's done, he said. The done pile grew. When he found enough that worked he opened his case, strapped on a battered Paul. Plugged in, played a riff I remembered. What was that? I said. He shrugged. Just tunin' up. Two girls had stopped. I said I had a bus to catch, it was good to see him. You too, he said. The Pignose cut out and he knelt and opened it. They hadn't emptied my wallet this time so I dropped a twenty in the case. Thanks brother, he said. I didn't think he'd seen me. String money, I said. He said yeah, they're flat. Nobody could ever hear the shit that bothered him. I wanted to say man, you're wasting it here. But I didn't have any room to talk, and I could hear the bus coming down the hill.
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This was the first of an sequence of flash, and published in A-Minor Magazine. My thanks to editor Sheldon Lee Compton.
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I enjoyed this, a lot. the end is perfect
"Nobody could ever hear the shit that bothered him."- this is great.
You're a smart efficient and emotionally tuned-to-character writer - great example to me of that.
Good piece.
(we didn't use no stinkin' amps when *I* was busking!)
There is an unruly quality to this little story that really grabs me
A walk on the wild side. Very nice. *
Such a great example of shit "shit," but straight up. I love how in such a short space, you created an entire universe that I dropped into. Really great work, Mark!
I like the form and the phrasing here. Good.
Really good, a world in such a small space. Liked this. *
The voice comes through well here. Fave.
Thanks, everyone. Very much appreciated.
You nailed the voice, Mark.
Yes, this is a great voice, smart and cooly understated. I could do a tour of this guy's world. *