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This Story is Terrible, and I Only Wrote It to Annoy You People

27782778 views77 comments33 favs



19251925 views4444 comments2121 favs

He watches his paralyzed left arm arc across his body, then swivel around and disappear behind his back. He does this over and over again. He's very high and it makes him laugh.


30353035 views2424 comments2222 favs

I will gobble them like tiny men, missions and things to prove.

Along Came Doreen

20222022 views6060 comments1616 favs

I didn't really know her. Yet, to me, she and her friends epitomized the local hip scene.

An MFA Creative Writing Essay Question

22312231 views2424 comments1616 favs

7. Using Cohen's Method of Structure craft a piece of fiction featuring unexpected conflict. (12 points)

Cancer Arm

23342334 views4949 comments1616 favs

You think about it all the time. Cancer cancer cancer. Cancer leg. Cancer arm. You've eaten too many cancer hot dogs and sausages in your life. You've gotten too many cancer sunburns. Cancer throat. Cancer head. Too much cancer sex.

A Man

24162416 views3333 comments1919 favs

A man’s been in jail for six weeks awaiting trial. Lillian doesn’t say his name. A man kidnapped her from the grocery store parking lot. He raped her at his house, and again in the desert, chopped her hand off with an axe and left her for dead in the


23632363 views2929 comments1313 favs

. . was the earliest born of the not-so-great Pedantic Poets . . . . beleaguered by family financial crises that continued to the beginning of his life, he suffered periods of deep elation . .


16321632 views2424 comments2222 favs

Last summer our marriage took a direct hit and crashed into a deep pit with little warning when Millicent met a Facebook man and simply left, taking up with him, presenting him with my space in her life to receive her touch and this thought perpetually gnaws away, making me…

Confessions of an I.R.A. Terrorist

29432943 views4040 comments1616 favs

Most of us are just ordinary mutts with no gift for writing, nothing like Joyce James [or] any of those...


20862086 views3434 comments2222 favs

The next winter the house burned down.

Intolerable Impositions

20932093 views3636 comments1919 favs

"She gnawed her arm off in the morning, before he woke...."


10611061 views2121 comments2121 favs

Each angry man leaps from a boy tempered by existential harm.

Spaghetti Woman

360360 views3939 comments2020 favs

She was fast as the wind and lived on air, her clothes a size 0000.

Tonight I Am The Zipper

18881888 views1313 comments1111 favs

It’s so hard to get to know people these days. Even the social ones wall you out with politeness. Like jackknives with pearl handles in a display case.

Life Before Kant

17641764 views5252 comments2222 favs

I doused back three Buds in the time it took him to detest a variety of subjects including the naivety of quantum physics and pregnant women.

Staring at Waves

19271927 views2828 comments2323 favs

the waves all green and gooey, all / pommes frites, ruinous, insolent, half / fractal


17691769 views2323 comments1919 favs

“Mescaline occurs naturally in our bodies, you know,” I said.

At a Welsh Wedding

19061906 views4444 comments2020 favs

He was manic, depressive, schizophrenic, bipolar, paranoid, cyclothymic, borderline, or a genius.

Adults at Home

20932093 views2121 comments1616 favs

The afternoon my little sister won her first U.S. Open, I was also busy, having strenuous sex with David Solemn, a man I’d met earlier that morning at Dunkin Donuts. We did it on the white living room carpet in my parent’s new Connecticut house while

Boom! You're Smithereens

22872287 views1111 comments1010 favs

Bruno Hackmann and I hung out all summer, and then Joe came back from Persia.

Wahrheit und Dichtung

16681668 views2525 comments2424 favs

When I was eight years old, I stepped into / a snow bank in Pennsylvania and sank / in over my head


19181918 views3535 comments1919 favs

The gull put its foot down, stretched its wings out and swept into the salty breeze.

Dead Parental Units

18811881 views2929 comments2323 favs

Each death a sonnet, every grief / fourteen lines.

a crushed pepsi can floats down

17561756 views2424 comments2121 favs

These days, even God has a day job.


16291629 views1818 comments1616 favs



22232223 views5454 comments1313 favs

Once, an elephant contracted a sudden bolt of insanity in the streets of Ernakulam and trampled three children under her feet before she was shot to death. It took them seven bullets to bring her down.

Rwanda Suite: Slim

17831783 views2222 comments2020 favs

Paris was a better place for African Americans in those days. Josephine Baker sent a spray of roses. James Baldwin helped him find a good apartment.

Hitler's Mustache

26952695 views33 comments22 favs

“Where do you want your mustache?” Melanie asked. “You can have it on the side, you know, or, if you prefer, across your labia, in which case it will also look like a cross?”

Johnny Dangerously

18611861 views1111 comments99 favs

An old man, a widower; living alone, defenseless. It was a given.